SB Labs

Biggest Dose of Test?

Different with anabolics then other drugs. 5 vials of test in some places and they want to pin you as a dealer. They look at medical use as a base to determine how much “personal” use is without regard for bodybuilding doses. When I got busted at border in my teens they tried to get me on distribution. Hours of arguing back and forth of personal use and them having to call prosecutor who agreed to give me the “street value” fine and let go.
I thought this was pretty common knowledge as it was in the 90s lol. I think musclemag, MD, or Dan Duchaine discussed it and you’ll find a lot of bodybuilders that wrote these insane cycles that would kill anyone in weeks if they actually took it from a lot of the big names.

They were just working on a legal defense in advance. Most lawyers will go over this the importance of a history to determine personal use vs intent to distribute.



Rick Collins talks about personal use being charged with intent to distribute cases all the time.

So to combat if we got busted you’d have like a diary of your cycle that could be used to help in a legal defense later.
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Yeah Rick covers it as an important way to defend your case if your caught. Showing the amount you were using was personal and not to distribute.

If you have to go before a jury, the notes of your cycle can convince the difference of personal and distribution. Making it easier for your attorney to defend you.
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I think I did this when I first started messing with gear. I probably need to do it again. I keep all my gear in a lockable smell proof bag if I’m traveling by car, “so you gon need a warrant fo that” in the words of jay-z.

But the journal is the move for sure.
Really should. Even tho it’s an extremely small chance of getting caught it happens. Denmark has gone crazy and made a law they can piss test anyone that has a gym membership and turn them over to police.
I knew one guy that caught from an auto accident. Had his gear in bag with him and he ended up in hospital. When they inventory his vehicle for impound they found it and charged him. Case got dropped later cause he had a good lawyer. But didn’t stop them from charging him. Woke up in hospital and served with a warrant to arrest him when released.

When I go on vacation I’ll plan it with preloads so only I know what’s in there. Only the minimal amount I need while gone I take with me.
To my knowledge… the only steroid bust we’ve had in my area was a Marine got busted on base for rec drug ring and had one vial of “steroids”…. Same with a civilian out in town about 15 years prior to that. Big narcotics investigation/bust and found small amounts of peds…

Of course cops charged them with whatever on top of the narcotics and the local media ran with it.
Rec drugs are the number 1 way people get caught. I knew a source on proM caught while driving cases of gear back. Dumbass smoking in car while driving and pulled over. He called me freaking out when he got released and I sent him to Rick. Took a lot of money but he got off.
I had gottten out of military and stayed on the road for a couple years before ending up back here in the early mid 80’s. Used to lift in a pretty nice mom n pop gym in town. The jarheads were always the most juiced up ones in the gym. To the point of jaundiced and bloody noses etc etc.

That’s when I started. The military guys always had the stuff. I don’t know how but they always got pharmaceutical stuff.

The USMC started cracking down in the late 80’s. Don’t know the details just the chatter from the dudes in gym. I guess the “look” would bring down scrutiny and pee test. I can tell you there a bunch of them obviously on.
Back in US I took a very discreet approach for home since I had guns in safe and most warrants include for weapons as well. I kept my most my shit in the wall. Remove an outlet and use electrical wire to hold it behind the wall. One of those large candy cane tube for m&ms used to hold vials easily. The outlet still worked so no one thinks anything of it. Just kept a cordless screwdriver to remove shit easily.
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