SB Labs

Bloodwork how come no one posts?

Well im glad you posted this. I tried to get help on another forum but nobody really gave any insight. Maybe the right person will see it here. Here’s the thing I was getting intense headaches everyday I would not go away no matter what I took. blood pressure was high but when I went to the doctor they said it was normal so they didn’t even worry about it. catching cramps everywhere no matter how much fluid I would drink,anyway I’m going to try and post up the labs and see if anyone could maybe point something out.
That’s exactly another good reason to post up labs man. Most of us know a lot more about reading labs and the endocrine system than your GP does, unfortunately. I’m sure getting a few hundred sets of eyes on it, we might be able to help
@Louisianimal Damn bro you’re a model of human health on AAS lol. Seriously man the only things that are standing out to me is you’re a bit on the low side for Vitamin D, which is typical for this time of year when you’re inside frequently and your estradiol is about 15pg higher than normal range. Neither of which I can attribute to headaches or cramping. The only thing I can’t seem to find is your CBC (complete blood count) for things like WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hemotocrit, etc. Higher blood pressure and high hemotocrit go hand in hand usually and that can definitely result in headaches. Not sure about the cramping though.
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Here’s mine after coming off 700mg every Monday Thursday for 15 weeks. This was about week 4 off cycle. I am on TRT. and backing down a tad bit more. I gave a pint of blood last month and going back in the 29 to see how my numbers look.


This is what I take good stuff for the price but var still cramps me up.
The injectable aminos im using now are the best thing I have ever used
Tudca,Taurine have been proven basically useless to protect the liver.
The product that you want is a combination called MIC and then once you finish use the GLUTATHIONE
Im in discussion about verification so let them know to join and they will be happy

Please write him an email saying that he will get more sales then he can imagine because no one wants to be on csps anymore
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