Brand new here, thinking about trying AAS for first time

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Hey everyone I just made an account. I am 35yo work out a few times a week and am thinking about making the jump and getting on some AAS. I would assume test would be the smart thing to try first?
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Welcome to the board.
Test only cycle would be recommended for your first time. Typically 500mg Total a week for 12 weeks two doses split Monday and Thursday.

Get blood work before, during and after.
That’s the only way to Really know how your body reacts to it. Everyone is different.
Use the search function a lot. You can find all the info you could ever want here.

My .02
@CaliDevil as soon as you do post your stats and goals buckle up and prepare to get blasted away. Your in the best damn place in cyberspace, welcome bro. These guys are on point. I’ve read many hours on many different forms and these guys are eager to help and make sure your doing it safely. Finding the gear is the easy part knowing your goals and how to safely achieve those goals are what’s important.
Oh sorry. I’m 5’10 190 at the moment. I would like to put on some pounds of quality muscle than I currently have. I don’t have any injuries or anything to hold me back working out wise. But I feel like I might as well try and at least do a cycle or two and see how I look and feel. If everything goes fine then maybe I’ll stay on.
Welcome to the board, we’re glad you joined! Everyone’s given excellent advise in regards to blood work, our whole forum is full of great info, you can use your magnifying glass and search first cycles and it will give you tons of research! Don’t forget to research diet/pct/aromatase inhibitors and estrogen just to get you started! Good luck if you decide to go through with AAS, there are some EXCELLENT sponsors here @Optumpharma that are as knowledgeable and helpful as you will find anywhere in the world!
Yeah I am fairly muscular. When I’ve cut down to 180ish I have abs. The goal would be to be about 195-200 and lean eventually. This dumb virus killed my gym time for a bit but I started back up this week. I’ve just been running and doing burpees and pull-ups and push-ups since like March.
No one can help you find anything that’s not what were about here take a look around and enjoy the site before jumping right in
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