Caitlyn Jenner is running for governor of California

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I thought that this was extremely interesting and I believe that She can definitely win. I see this as a plus because she will be running as a Republican and possibly this might actually save California from the mess there in right now caused by the original governor.
This would be the first transgender candidate that I know of running for office.
This situation in California with the recall should really be interesting to watch and see what actually happens.
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I can only imagine what would be posted.

I honestly thought that this was really interesting because I would have never thought she would run for governor but that shows how much power the Kardashian family holds in California.
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It’s stupid, he she whatever the fuck it…he would win solely off of being transgender not for what he know,its fuckin stupid
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I remember seeing it on tv I didn’t know that he was an Olympic athlete until the Kardashians invaded the internet and tv lol
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I tend to agree with @John on this one. What qualifications does she have? No experience with government even at a local level. The libs out there will vote solely based on the gender issue. But I do agree @Bigmurph a Republican out there could help. Just my 3 cents
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