SB Labs

Cherish and enjoy what you have

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Funny I seem to do better when shit is sideways. Give me a good fire, shooting, dive call and life is good. Sometimes especially lately I worry that I can’t function in this new environment. I posted on social the other day about how everyone is scared to voice their opinion for fear of being judged
Haha could be. Something has to be up. In her defense though I think all that prednisone messed with my head . I literally felt crazy the other day. I finally just threw it all out
I know I’m far from normal but I don’t usually feel Crazy. Psychotic maybe. Lol
I miss the excitement of Iraq,I Always will miss the rush combat,everything else since then dulls in comparison.
I can only imagine. I’ve never been in a firefight but been shot at. I always thought I would do well in that situation. And I certainly mean no disrespect to you @John by saying that.
I don’t believe that you are crazy at all I honestly don’t consider ptsd a crazy disorder its an evolutionary step that our bodies take to adapt and survive it just happens to make us feel good because of the mania and release of serotonin the hyperawareness can feel crazy but that’s the adaption I believe your body adapts to being able to deal with situations that require that mindset and not everyone has evolved to adapt to those situations that’s why flight or fight most flight we fight not figuratively but you understand I believe
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