Hey guys and gals killed chest shoulders and arms. Sets were performed with a 2 sec eccentric and 3 sec concentric
Cable fly 4x12
Db incline 4x10-12
Flat bar high chest 4x10
Db flat fly 4x12 (head hanging off end of bench)
Wide upright row 4x10
Hammer strength press 4x12
Db laterals 50% range heavy 4x8-10 ss with full laterals hold at top
Db alternate curls 4x10
Laying cable curls 5x10
Rope press downs 4x10
Dips on hammer strength 4x8-10 heavy
IMG_28301242×2208 780 KB
Cable fly 4x12
Db incline 4x10-12
Flat bar high chest 4x10
Db flat fly 4x12 (head hanging off end of bench)
Wide upright row 4x10
Hammer strength press 4x12
Db laterals 50% range heavy 4x8-10 ss with full laterals hold at top
Db alternate curls 4x10
Laying cable curls 5x10
Rope press downs 4x10
Dips on hammer strength 4x8-10 heavy
IMG_28301242×2208 780 KB