SB Labs

The lay off is over

Quick but good day in the gym

Abductor/Adductor machine
Overhead tri ext superset with alternating db curls
Leg Press
Leg curls
Tricep pressdowns

Any thoughts on my prior post on using DIM instead of AI if so, whats a good dose and what is a good Free test number to be aiming for to support growth?

Thanks fellas
That’s great that it gives you that,but your tendons might not agree with the temporary boost in power,so don’t over do it
Wether it DBOL or other pwo,try more like a hour half or two hours,and I can usually tell their working by a flushed feeling, heart rate picks up some,I get hot,you’ll know after you’ve done it enough
understood fellas. im trying to get to 225 and rep that out on the bench. not looking to overdue the weights anymore like when i was younger benching 350. Think you can get same strength repping out 225 then doing 3 at 350. at least i try to think that in my mind hahah
When should I retest my E2 level to see if the Aromasin is working? My left nipple is sensitive as all hell and really getting annoying but no lump or look of gyno. I am doing 25mg every injection day but I think I need to go to E3D or something. I just took one today because of the sensitivity when should I test my level to get an accurate idea of my E2?

Thanks fellas