So got a quick back workout in yesterday…pretty much just to get into the gym for a bit didnt have much time.
I also got the blood test yesterday and they said the company wouldnt process both the total test with free and total test lc/ms-ms as they are coded as the same test so will see what the results look like as I think they excluded the lc/ms-ms one. Note for next time I will do just the lc/ms-ms one if the figure indeed caps at 1500…I’m gonna be pissed if thats the case cuz then they should of done both or at least offer the free test as a standalone test which I couldnt find
Took a 12.5mg of Aromosin this morning and one of my nips was really sensitive, it calmed it down pretty quickly so curious was my E2 level was yesterday, which I also tested so should know in a few days
Today I am starting the program I got from my trainer, its more of a push/pull split working each bodypart twice a week…way too much to type out now but I will list it out at some point. Also gonna be first day I start Dbol 25mg pwo.
The overall consensus seems to be 1hr preworkout? How do you know its kicking it, anyway to tell your ready to hit the gym or just take an 1hr before and should be fine?