SB Labs

The lay off is over

I can keep my deca just as high as my test,adex,and 100mg of proviron keeps my libido up,no problem with gyno,only when I used ment did I encounter gyno
well since the wife never wants to have sex, libido isnt a big worry lol, more looking to try to maximize gains at lowest possible dose. once
my weights peak i want to switch out the deca for tren e. This was my first week back in gym so trying to get a baseline and will start the dbol next week. Ill post todays leg workout in a bit
Legs (reps/lbs)
Leg Press 15/180 15/270 15/360 15/360
Leg curl 10/98 10/108 15/118
Hip Flexion inner 15/50 15/50 outer 20/50 20/50
Leg ext 15/165 15/185 12 205
Seated calf raise 3x 15/180
Going thru my notes beings the stomach bug is in the house and training is temp halted. I found front squats and bulgarian split squats will pretty much take the load off my spine. I also liked the hack squat machine.

I also second what @Symarip85 stated… you’ve got to get some relief in the daddy parts. It’s been said that those institutions that @Symarip85 speaks of have saved many of marriages.
Arms Day

Barbell curls 8/65 6/85 6/85
Overhead Tri ext 12/55 15/65 15/65
Preacher DB curls 10/25 12/30 10/35
Tricep pressdowns 12/80 15/100 15/100
EZbar curl 10/50 10/50
Hammer curls 8/25 5/30 3/30

Weekend trip so be back to the gym Monday…I have a buddy that trains a ton of people, gonna have him change up my routine…I always do this same program, nice to have a different one to follow and see how it goes, should have it by end of next week but will keep on this until them

Have a good weekend fellas
Was able to get a chest workout in while away on Saturday. Didnt get to workout today cuz my transmission went on my truck but will get back workout in tomorrow.

Gonna get a blood test tomorrow, earlier than the 4 weeks I wants to wait because my nips are alil sensitive but no lumps or anything so figured with test both my E2 and Test levels tomorrow to see if I should go on an AI. I just did a test 125mg/200mg deca shot today so will see what the levels look like tomorrow. I have a question though. I have 2 options for the test blood test

Testosterone Free and Total
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS-MS

Is there a difference between the 2 test total tests? Does the LC/MS-MS work better or something? I like the idea of checking my free test also but not sure if the total test is less accurate or something than the LC/MS-MS test.

Thanks fellas
So got a quick back workout in yesterday…pretty much just to get into the gym for a bit didnt have much time.

I also got the blood test yesterday and they said the company wouldnt process both the total test with free and total test lc/ms-ms as they are coded as the same test so will see what the results look like as I think they excluded the lc/ms-ms one. Note for next time I will do just the lc/ms-ms one if the figure indeed caps at 1500…I’m gonna be pissed if thats the case cuz then they should of done both or at least offer the free test as a standalone test which I couldnt find

Took a 12.5mg of Aromosin this morning and one of my nips was really sensitive, it calmed it down pretty quickly so curious was my E2 level was yesterday, which I also tested so should know in a few days

Today I am starting the program I got from my trainer, its more of a push/pull split working each bodypart twice a week…way too much to type out now but I will list it out at some point. Also gonna be first day I start Dbol 25mg pwo.

The overall consensus seems to be 1hr preworkout? How do you know its kicking it, anyway to tell your ready to hit the gym or just take an 1hr before and should be fine?
I don’t remember how long for me. But you’ll know it in the gym. I used to have violent training sessions.

An hour sounds bout right and adjust from there.
Awesome pull workout tonight. Dbol definitely giving me a boost in the gym

tbar rows
single arm arsenal pulldowns
single arm incline db row
DB pullovers
bent over reverse db flyes
Barbell Shrugs

Barbell curls
Db preacher curls
Seated alternating db curls

Still waiting on my lab results

Tomorrow is heavy quads/light hams/glutes. Ready to push some weight tomorrow
Got my labs back from Tuesday. This was 2 weeks into my cycle

E2 74
Total Test 1580
Free Test 358.7

Baseline - pre cycle
E2 20
Total Test 369
Free Test 9.1

What are good Free test numbers for growth? I think my total test is in a good spot but want to keep the E2 alittle lower because of the sensitive nips. I’m thinking adding 12.5mg on injections days so twice a week. I noticed more boners the 2nd day after taking the E2 and less sensitive nips for about 2 days then went back to having less and sensitivity coming back. When is the best time to test my E2 to see how I am reacting to the AI? My understanding is the Aromasin will kill the E2 within the first 24 hrs then start to rebound, is that correct?
Managing my E2 has always been something I struggled with, knowing when to get the blood test to get an accurate reading after taking a dose of Aromasin to know if I have to adjust etc. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Also wondering if I should try DIM daily instead of the AI but what is a good dose if I went that route?

Thanks fellas