SB Labs

The lay off is over

That’s a lot of xtane for 250 test. How often are you injecting you should be at least twice a week. Micro dosing more often might even help
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mon and thurs…im thinking its the dbol thats raising e2 levels because ive done test and deca a bunch and add higger doses and never got this sensitivity
Crazy busy few days, got some lifting in but dealing with some shoulder soreness from playing with the kids…so dumb…long story short, my shoulders are shot, have had 4 surgeries on each shoulder, only thing left in my shoulder is bone and cartlidge so I know what I can and cant do with my shoulders. Stupid me tried to stand on skinny pole in playground and jump and tag my son on next platform…well foot slipped and I had to catch myself and hang from bar which aggravated my shoulder. Think its just inflammed cuz I have strength in shoulder for most moves, incline barbell press my only real issue, did flat bench today with no problem, its weird but makes me think its nothing too serious so hoping doc just gives me a cortisone shot and tells me to move on tomorrow morning…I dont want to stop lifting with the progress. I’ll keep you guys posted but plan on doing legs tomorrow
Whats up everyone. Jeez cant believe its been 3 weeks since my last update. My shoulder is doing much better, took a bunch of days off and just staying away from incline bench from now. I need to go for another dexa scan to see how many numbers look with lean mass gains and fat gain during this dirty bulk. im up 40 pounds, weighed in at 265 yesterday. yikes lol. But loving the size and strength gains. Will keep pushing and provide some more frequent updates
I’m pumped right now, got my Dexa scan today and my results were great

Dexa scan 4/29

Total Mass 256lbs
Fat Mass 57.5lbs
Lean Mass 189.1lbs
Bodyfat 22.4%

This is 8 weeks since the start of my cycle. I had a scan done on 1/11 this year

Total Mass 229lbs
Fat Mass 52.5lbs
Lean Mass 166.9lbs
Bodyfat 22.9%

I start my cycle at 239 so I probably put on alil fat in that 6 week window so overall I think that its going awesome up probably less than 5lbs of fat mass and 22lbs lean mass (which I would say is half water).

Its time to lean up and get rid of this bloat for the 2nd half of this cycle. In the past I have run 16-20 weeks deca and test but with summer coming I don’t want to do that.

I am going to switch to Low Test, Tren and Mast. My only question mark is do I do Tren E or Ace and Mast E or P. I want to harden the look and recomp. Without the argument that sides go away quicker with Ace…I have seen alot of people say that Ace gives a better look but you have a better chance of aggression and tren cough. What the opinion there?

I currently have some Tren E and Mast E on hand so the initial plan until I order more this week depending on if I should go Tren Ace is

250mg test (125mg 2x/week)
300mg Tren E (100mg 3x/week)
450mg Mast E (150mg 3x/week)

If Tren E gets you to same spot as Tren Ace just takes longer then I lean to stay on Tren E but if Ace really is better for hardness and vascularity , lyposis then I’ll give it a shot…I have Tren E experience, never got Tren Cough, took Tren E shot last night, also no cough.

Same question for Mast, do you get better results from Mast P 100mg 3x/week vs Mast E? Does no shots over the weekend the extra day make a big difference in swings in blood level which would make the ethanate a better option?

Blood work/Blood pressure all in good shape so thats a non concern, looking to run this 8-12 weeks which has me looking good right into summer.

Appreciate the thoughts fellas
Still trying to decide on whether to order Tren Ace or Eth…leaning Ace now so I can do a shorter cycle 6-8 weeks and see some results…Whats the equiv of Tren Eth 100mg M/W/F of Ace…I assume I shouldnt do 100mg 3x since I never used Ace before and you get more mg for mg with the shorter esters…I gotta keep my ego down and go 50mg or 75mg Ace M/W/F Im thinking.
Man my strength is building nicely. I cant do Incline still, tried bar without weight and still couldnt…it must be the bone spur in their affects that movement cuz it bothers me everyone once in a while when my arm is up in that position but flat bench is freaking great tonight I did the following

185 for 8
225 for 10
275 for 3 easily without spot
225 for 10
135 slow negatives for 10

Figure since I cant do incline might as well increase the sets on flat bench…doing cable flyes upper and lower also.

Gotta get in gym tomorrow somehow during work cuz my afternoons are shot coaching my kids teams…cant be missing days, ha I dont know how long it takes the Tren E to kick in but I didnt want to leave the gym today, got a quick leg workout in just cuz I havent had time to do legs lately. Coulda stayed longer lol
Dude I’m not gonna lie. This is all over the place. Your bf is high, you’ve put on an absurd amount of weight. According to you dexa scan you’re carrying 50lbs of fat?! Drop the other compounds, stick to test and lean up.

Get your diet dialed in and lean up some. No amount of tren and mast will do that for you.
You’ve put on some lean mass a lot of it. But like @NeuroRN said your bf is still high. Dunnonyour goals but if it is purely strength your on the right track. Most powerlifters are chunky. If your goal is to be fit I’d do a cut and lean out now that you have all that extra active body mass it should go pretty quickly
Darn… it took me a year to pack on 20lbs and get to 240…

Benched 460 and squated 605… immediately dropped 20 pounds or so… just didn’t feel good carrying that weight.