SB Labs

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Any input is appreciated

Dads on trt and a kidney recipient, I’ve been just reading up on different compounds so I stumbled across something interesting from the anabolic doc. It was on primo and how it was used in infants and children which is fascinating by itself! But what piqued my interest was the reversal of the negative sides of corticosteroids, which is a huge part of life when you get a transplant. So I called our trt doc, he’s cool af and knows his stuff lucky us lol. He said yeah try it and get labs in a month, but then he said if we were in Mexico I’d put him on micro doses of GH.
So I guess what I’m saying is what would you do? And if yes what doses? He recommended 2i.u gh but I was wondering about primo

Thanks guys
I wish I was versed enough to give an opinion, but definitely fascinating. Makes me want to read more on the compound.
I run real primo at 400-600mgs and 600 of real primo is more than enough if you were to low dose with primo I would get real bayer rhimobolan or primobolan which is extremely hard to get the real deal but I would dose 100mg per week and start there and adjust up if needed just like with any medication start low and then increase.
There are only a few labs primo that I would run ive ran alot of different primo and one brand stands out better than Bayer in my opinion.
Right now though its unobtainable due to coronavirus.
I don’t know where you are located but you can get primo in Mexico but you need to get away from the tourist areas because they sell fake primo around those areas
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No I’m thankful man! You cant get good honest advice just anywhere. Thats what I don’t understand, why people just jump on here and. Be like hey I need a source… wtf you know damn well someone knows more than you in a place like this. Just hang out and use it, he’ll almost none of this is on Google… and its free
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right exactly but still the free life experience and knowledge your stupid to piss that away. Anyway gh seems awesome, its hard to digest that info tho… but I’m going to do it for myself and most likely pops. Farm miles are rough on the body.
That’s what a lot of people don’t understand, when I was younger and went to the bar, I’d hang out with the old guys and just listen, family get togethers, I wouldn’t play with the other kids, id hang out with the old dudes, they’d sneak ya beer and tell ya all you needed to know about cars and women lol.

Knowledge and life experience, nothing beats it.
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I bet brother those pictures you showed looked like a nightmare of work to get done.
Gh is a great healing compound it helped me with alot of my older injuries to get better if doc said low dose you might want to really go low dose maybe 1iu or 1.5.iu before bed 5x a wk and take the weekends off. I liked this schedule the best when I ran hgh taking the weekends off gives your body some time to rest I guess im not sure how to explain it but it made the side effects less during the week for me so I wouldn’t get pins and needles or limbs going numb. I also ran gh low really just for healing purposes and weight loss at 2iu so it would be about the same for your father. Doctors usually prescribe 1-1.5iu for youthful purposes
Yep sounds great when I run ipam I do 2iu mon thru Friday before bed. Best sleep ever, and man get cut or burnt id heal so fast its crazy i love it thats why id like to try the real GH
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