SB Labs

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I ran gh for a while and it was posted on another board I tried several brands and got labs I played around with doses and 4 iu was great if you can afford the hit $$$ 2 iu was still very noticeable so I would say In That range tried it at several different times and my favorite was all at once pre workout but that was me I did sleep better and feel better in general but it does seem to make your joints hurt but I work my ass of anyway so It could be me getting old. That was several years ago so I can’t say what’s out there now can’t really say what would happen long term but if I had endless money I would prob stay on it if health permitted. But that is just my opinion so keep that in mind and I’m a random asshole and you know what they say most of them stink
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Let me add this it’s not some miracle thing either that you can take and look like a superhero it’s like anything else hard work and diet but I still have the gains to this day
yeah man thats what I read its slow. But the healing. Man I fn. Hurt parts of the year. Your in the poultry industry to right? Or did I dream that
I’m taking GH right now, as well as BPC157 and TB500 and the synergy is pretty damn great. I have 2 precious shoulder surgeries, a couple ankle surgeries, and Some bum knees. After the hardest night at work I’ve had in awhile my knee pain was 1/4 of what it used to be.

I haven’t looked into those peptides for transplant studies but I know their overall healing effects are pretty profound.
Oh yeah man you can definitely tell it in joints hair skin etc. The doc was the one who said if only we were in Mexico. He prescribes peptides, but being how there were no studies on it he’d prefer the real thing. Would you do it?
For my dad? I would at least get him on some GH. Especially with the doc saying he would love to prescribe it.
Thanks @NeuroRN too much red tape in the med field. Which I’m sure your more aware of than most. Especially considering the reason for most of the gear was designed for
Way too much red tape. It’s infuriating at times. Especially knowing how we could help someone, but FDA is big brother and limits our options. I think your TRT doc sounds like one of the good ones, and I think he’s trying to point you in the correct direction!
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s wrong with your knees? I’ve been dealing with knee pain for a long time, and no one has been able to help on the issue.

I do have a slight chronic tear in the ligament on the inside of my knee, but damn it’s like bone on bone under my knee cap.
Just exactly that. I tore the meniscus in both knees, then I just kept pounding away on them in college. Docs best guess is I just ground the Meniscus away in both of them. The make all sorts of click and popping noises, and cream and it’s not fun. The GH and the peptides seem to help with the pain. I don’t expect them to recover from it but it helps with the pain.
O i believe ya I’ve used peptides and they do work, my wife recently had a pretty in depth spinal fusion of 3 vertebrae in her neck, one cycle of ipamorelin and she’s made a huge turnaround. Started second last night. There’s no doubt in my mind it works… alot
It’s incredible, and to think as a nurse I never heard of them. It’s so irritating! I definitely wouldn’t have a procedure performed without them.
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