COVID19. I got the damn Corona

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Thanks! It is very cyclic for me. Some times I feel pretty good. Next I feel bad. Fever hasn’t gotten over 100.2. Just want to lay around and sleep. That the toughest battle. I just don’t feel well if I sleep too much. No breathing problems so far. Well. For someone laying around all day I don’t have any…
Laying around and sleeping isn’t all bad In this case! Your body is in double/triple time fighting the infection. I hope your feeling better soon buddy. Interesting your doc said aspirin only, did they tell you why?
Let me clarify. She said aspirin preferably, but no Motrin or Advil. I can take Tylenol. She just said aspirin was preferred. I didn’t ask why. I just said ok. 😂
Lol fair enough! Some people have had major clotting issues so I assumed that’s why they went with aspirin! Just take the Tylenol 3 and snooze 😂
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Holly shit I didn’t realize that you got the rona brother damn I wish you the best that shit had to be what I had going into March it floored me it was rough but I believe that I was lucky because I never ended up in the hospital.
Bless you and your family brother
That heart burn medicine famatodine, or however you spell it, in high quantities, is supposed to really help!
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I heard resirver that’s not spelled right either but it just shows how much information is out there that clashes from area to area. The investigation that comes out of whatever committee after all of this is going to be ridiculous.
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Remdesivir. Clinical trials at UAB in Birmingham were astounding. Had to nix hydroxychloroquin because of major arrhythmia side effects.
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Hey all. Just been taking @NeuroRN advice and sleeping a lot. I’m in an antibiotic now to keep off the pneumonia stuff. Fever only once a day now. Cough is annoying as fuck. And chest hurts. Just dosing lots of vitamin C and water intake. Thanks for the check up. Couple more days and I’ll be good to go. 😁.
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Pretty good. Still struggle a bit around 6pm. But other than that I’m ok. Thanks for the concern.
Glad to hear some forward progress! That cough lingers for a few weeks, I’m sorry to say. Hope you are up and running soon. Thanks for the update.
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