Cutting up with COVID-19

Just finished fasted cardio(fast walk). The uphill kills me.
5 egg whites, some fat free cottage cheese, frozen blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, 1 slice dry toast(Dave’s 21 seed/grain).
I had 6 or 7 tacos and 3 big cookies. My parents had oatmeal cookies with cranberries in them. They could have had dog shit in them and it would have been a treat. Haha 😆
I’m hoping I feel more energized tomorrow.
@johnjuanb1 About your experience running 6yrs cialis daily. Ran flash 10mg for about 15m on workout days (nearly every day) and stopped during quarantine. After 12m the multiple daily urge to bang the wall subsided and felt more normal but the pump was still good. After being off since March I still have urges but not nearly as much prior to running for 15m. Using up old viagra now since gym is open before I switch back but cialis is my girl.

Could you give me a more detailed time line of what I can expect and how I should maybe do things differently if any different from your experience? I don’t plan to stop using on workout days, but would modify if you thought doing things different would be best practice for the long haul and how/when to increase dosage

Hey animal crackers with frosting are delicious! Don’t hate on them, I’m a kid at heart.

We will have to agree to disagree on oatmeal raisin cookies, but I’m not in my 80’s, which I figured is the appropriate time to start eating oatmeal raisin cookies.
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I would just be guessing. I’m staying with family for a few months in a different state due to the lockdown. I’ve cut my cialis dose from 30mg to 10mg to make it last longer because I didn’t bring enough. The sex drive and pump are much less. My body really is used to 30mg preworkout. There was a 3 month period I stopped using cialis and I never got full erections. I might just go back up to 30mg or at least 20mg and order more from Flash to send where I’m staying. I think you develop a tolerance to all drugs over time. I’m not sure how frequently to use it to not develop a tolerance since it has a 72 hour duration. I get full erections for 48 hours but the pump is best taken before every workout.