Cutting up with COVID-19

Just did 50 minutes fast walking fasted then had a whey/oat shake. Today is pushups, flies, rows, face pulls, pull overs. Last night my dinner was a lean steak and salad. I woke up at 2am wide awake until 4am. I think not having complex carbs kept me from sleeping very long.
I haven’t had cottage cheese in a long time but I know egg whites take 3 hours to digest so I should mix egg whites and cottage cheese to get the 2 and 3 hour time release. Lately, I just have a shake because it tastes so good. Haha 😆
Chicken breast, corn, salad.

Im opposite on deca, I up my proviron from 50 to 75 to help keep libido up… maybe I should pull a D.Yates and run 100mg if proviron