Cutting up with COVID-19


So, India still can’t ship packages here due to the corona virus. I’m almost out of my blood pressure pills, nebivolol. So today I got an online prescription here in the USA but the USA doesn’t have the generic version. From the pharmacy in India I get a 6 month supply shipped for $65. Here in the USA, using my insurance, they want $2,000 for the same amount of pills. I’m so disgusted I stopped the pills. It’s a beta blacker which you’re not supposed to stop cold turkey but I’m doing it anyway. I expect a high blood pressure rebound. I hope it only lasts a week. Hopefully my diet and cardio can keep my bp decent. Fuck Big Pharma!!!
That’s fucked up! It’s pretty sad when the same med costs so much less overseas.

Stay safe man, and good luck.

You might be able to check the manufacturers site for coupons, also try GoodRX. It can drop the price significantly.
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The pharmacist even added the manufacture discount and it was still $310 for 30 pills.

I actually feel the best I’ve felt in forever today. Not having the beta blocker in me has given me an adrenaline burst. I got up at 4am and just did a 34 minute fast paced walk. It‘s beautiful out!
Holy shit brother you shouldn’t stop cold Turkey on that medication can you cut down your dosage and try to stretch it out maybe possibly order from Mexico or Canada?
Damn I wish you the best and fuck pharma companies in America and the whole healthcare system.
We need to stand up and make a president atleast make a standard amount that they can charge for all medication and services because when you can get something for 400x less than it is in the usa somewhere else where its made anyways is complete bullshit.
I hear ya. I love the rain but I wouldn’t know how to drive in snow or ice. People on the west coast drive like crap in the rain. They’re terrible!
I just did an hour of non stop supersets with biceps, triceps, and delts. The fat is melting off so fast! I love the sustanon, tren enan, and masteron enan combo. This is my first ever run with tren enan. I swear there are no side effects, just fast fat loss. My doses are 1/3cc of each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today my diet has been a protein shake at 4am, 8 egg whites with 2 slices dry toast at 7:30am. I just finished my workout so I’m having another shake now. 2:30pm will be a 1/2Lb ground turkey breast on 2 slices dry toast. I’ll have a salad later and another shake.
I have 10 pills left so I could taper but I’m an idiot like that. Today bp is 149/99. As long as the rebound holds there I think I can get it down with diet and training over time. I actually feel great today. I’m not a lifeless zombie like I was on the meds.
Today, I did 300 pushups for my workout. That’s the most I’ve ever done. It took me 17 sets to get there. My blood pressure is 131/85 with no meds. I’m extremely happy about this.
Took my sust, tren, masteron shot this morning.
Diet: 2 protein oat shakes, 8 egg whites, 2 slices dry toast. That’s was meals 1, 2, and 3. Dinner will be a top sirloin steak with a salad of lettuce, tomatoes, kale, onions, mushrooms, and avocado. Final meal is another shake before bed. Thumbs up 👍