Cutting up with COVID-19

Today was my first day back in the gym since injuring my hamstring.

I felt like crap all week so I’m convinced I have a bug that caused my injuries. Even today my Achilles’ tendon felt dry. I still don’t feel normal but much better. I made a decision to drop cheat meals and add cardio. I want to get to 5%.
  • 3 sets chest press machine
  • 3 sets pec deck
  • 3 sets inclined press machine
  • 3 sets fly machine
  • 3 sets assisted dips
  • 3 sets rope push downs
  • 3 sets rope crunches
Today was my first cardio session in months. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill at level 3 with a 5-7% inclined. My hamstring injury felt scary, and so did my Achilles’ tendon in the injured leg. Thank God no injuries today. 😀
I’ve got diarrhea now so this bug is still with me. I’m limping too from foot pain. Whatever this bug is it’s attacking my muscles. My lungs feel fine so not Covid.
I’m so pleased with my workout today. I not only was able to do tbar rows and barbell rows with my hamstring injury, but also an hour of cardio. Cardio goes quickly with the NFL on at the gym.
  • 5 sets tbar rows with more weight than usual
  • 3 sets hammer strength rows
  • 5 sets barbell rows
  • 3 sets one arm cable rows
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell curls on the inclined with a low angle for constant resistance
    1 hour on the inclined treadmill at speed 3.0 with a 5-7% incline.
How may days of the long steady state cardio are you doing? I was doing 6, but time wise is was killing me. Ended up being 2 hours of gym time daily. I would like abs like yours though.
I’m doing typically 30 minutes of cardio after my weight workout, so I’m at the gym for 2 hours.
I do this 5 days a week usually.
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Today I woke up at 4am, popped an Anadrol and some Cialis, and knocked my workout out early.
  • 8 sets dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets dumbbell shrugs
  • 50 reps of weighted rope crunches
  • 20 minutes on the treadmill at speed 3.2 with inclined at 5-7%
  • 10 minutes recombinant bike at level 14
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Today I woke up at 3:30am with anxiety so I just went to the gym. I did all supersets for biceps and triceps, then did cardio. It was a good workout.

All supersets:
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip tricep cable push downs
  • 3 sets one arm cable curls
  • 3 sets one arm preacher curl machine
  • 3 sets one arm hammer grip cable pushdowns
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 2 sets static holds for biceps with 120Lbs on pull down machine in the flexed front double biceps pose. Set 1 for 75 seconds, Set 2 for 60 seconds.
I Just did my first leg workout since tearing my hamstring. It went well. I felt knee pain and a little in the hamstring on one set is all. I did:
  • 3 sets hack/press machine
  • 3 another press machine
  • 3 sets glute press back
  • 3 sets leg extensions
  • 2 sets abductor machine
  • 4 sets calf press
  • 30 minutes recombinant bike
After the workout I administered 1cc sustanon, 1cc test enan, and 1cc test prop in the split between my right quad and ham. I didn’t like how I felt or looked without test in my body. Ran out 9 days ago.
Today is day #20 without a cheat meal. I stopped cheating because the thanksgiving cheat meals caused inflammation and my sciatica came back. Today the sciatica pain is finally gone. I hope it lasts. I need to get a good fish oil supplement to further help keep the inflammation away. 👍