Cutting up with COVID-19

I just placed my Flash Labs order:
  • 2 Sustanon
  • 1 testosterone enanthate
  • 1 testosterone propionate
  • 1 deca
  • 1 NPP
  • 1 Cialis
My every 4-5 days 3cc shot will be:
1cc sustanon
1/2cc test enan
1/2cc test prop
1/2cc deca
1/2cc NPP
PREWORKOUT 30mg Cialis
Here is my meal prep for two meals. 1 1/2 cups basmati rice precooked so I think it’s 4 1/2 cooked cups, close to 2Lbs of eye of round steak, broccoli. I just ate half of it. It was a big meal. The rest of the day I’ve just had shakes with 2 scoops whey, 2/3 cups oats, and one shake I put pasteurized egg whites in also. I’m going to consume my egg whites this way for awhile because I’m told my egg whites smell like shit and stink up the house.


I tore my hamstring today on seated leg curls. Felt it just snap. It tore in the middle of the ham. I’m just grateful it wasn’t a full tear requiring surgery. I’m icing it now. This is my atrophied leg from nerve damage. I still almost fall sometimes while walking but it was finally growing and gaining some strength. Oh well. Things can always be worse. I’ll work around it as best I can. I’m pretty sure this will keep me from doing barbell rows and tbar rows for awhile. The skinny little bastard was finally growing too. Hahaha 😝
I never have gas in the morning. I’m only safe to date from 6am until 2pm. After that I fart all the time. Not cool when first dating a girl. Luckily all my girlfriends were ok with it. I’ve never smelled anyone’s gas or poop that smelled as bad as mine. I think it’s pay back for something I did wrong in a past life. Somebody up there is laughing their ass off I think. 😂
I iced it for hours yesterday. It’s sore but I’m not limping as much today. It’s possible I can do moderate presses next week on the girly press machines, but I won’t touch any hamstring exercises for a month.
Yesterday I didn’t feel well but I still worked out and even in my first set of leg press in two places I felt like I could get injured, one on the mid quad and the other where it later tore in the ham. Today I still don’t feel so great so this time I’m taking the day off even though I feel guilty. I’m icing my hamstring now. Tomorrow I’ll pop an Anadrol preworkout and do chest. I suppose taking today off is a good thing. 👍