Well-known member
First we should ask ourselves if it is even necessary to ‘detox’ … and the answer is not so simple as many will and do say that the liver ‘detoxes’ us … that is a yes and no … depending on what you eat the liver can’t and doesn’t handle everything that you put in your mouth ;- ) for those of us, who are not running around at sub 10% body fat, we have toxins stored in our fat cells … ( I ll get more technical later) …suffice it to say that all the nasty food and beverages we injest end up depositing equally nasty compounds in our fat cells.
So detoxing in the truest sense is done by the liver… we still need to get rid of what’s being stored.
The second point is the debate between detox ‘diets’ ‘tonics’ and fasting … Fasting truly is detoxing … and when I say fasting I mean nothing but water for days … I have been told, since I don’t have the balls (physically and mentally) to spend any length of time with out food, that it is a rather spiritual path as well as a way to really empty out those fat cells … if you want to know more about fasting I refer you to our resident funny guy ED …Yes, that’s right ED fasts despite my attempts to get him to try yoga
So on to what I do for detoxing … (more to come
Lemon water or Green tea?
You can’t go wrong with either … however, you either need to use fresh lemons OR organic lemon juice
first thing in the morning preferably hot water
Both are great if you need to rehydrate, green tea is packed with anti oxidants which help in disease prevention (take note if you have cancer antioxidants are known to feed the cancer and should be avoided) … aid in digestion and assist the liver in removing toxins.
Now, if you want a ‘super’ tea find yourself some matcha tea which is about 10 cups of green tea. Some of the benefits include lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff) … fat burning through an increase in thermogenisis…
I almost forgot … pink himalayan salt sole (pronounced ‘sol ley’) … to make it you get a mason jar (one that you use for canning) pour about a 1/4 inch of salt in the bottom and fill to the neck of the jar with filtered water. you take a teaspoon !! just a teaspoon and add it to 16 oz of water and drink it … I find it disgusting so I add a bit of organic cider vinegar to it. One because I like cider vinegar and two because cider vinegar has a ton of great health benefits to it … which I will cover in a bit.
On to Food …
when you chose not to ‘fast’ 
Grocery list
keep in mind that anything fresh is going to be organic meat is going to be organic if I can find it at the very least it will be hormone free… (that’s kind of ironic don’t you think
chicken breast
Fruit … organic
oatmeal whole oats not that microwave stuff full of sugar and chemicals
veges any kind I can get my grubby hands on and lots of them organic if they are fresh and/ or frozen
I go through so many that I usually end up eating bags of frozen brocoli/cauliflower … green beans etc
salad stuff like leafy green lettuce tomatoes cucumbers, peppers, the more color the better…
salad dressing is balsamic vinegar and oil …its important to make sure there is no sugar in it
Some people might argue about the fruit and the fact that it is ‘sugar’ … the body processes fructose differently from sucrose and other refined sugars … I see it as a treat and depending on what it is a good source of fiber
I like to do this for about two weeks max … and then I start adding proteins back in more meat trade some some of my high fiber carbs for potatoes and rice
NO SUGAR ;-( which means NO coffee … we all know what that means
NO WHEAT so no bread ;-( ( that makes me very sad)
The only butter that will pass these lips is Kerry Gold butter made with milk from grass fed cows and yes there is a difference
I use coconut oil for cooking
The diet is limited mostly because I don’t like very much AND I am trying to clean out my system and get my body used to clean and free from anything processed … it is easy to fall into the habit of going cheaper on the food, getting ready made meals that look healthy but really aren’t … This isn’t the only detox diet and some would say it isn’t because of the meat but it works for me and it may work for you
So detoxing in the truest sense is done by the liver… we still need to get rid of what’s being stored.
The second point is the debate between detox ‘diets’ ‘tonics’ and fasting … Fasting truly is detoxing … and when I say fasting I mean nothing but water for days … I have been told, since I don’t have the balls (physically and mentally) to spend any length of time with out food, that it is a rather spiritual path as well as a way to really empty out those fat cells … if you want to know more about fasting I refer you to our resident funny guy ED …Yes, that’s right ED fasts despite my attempts to get him to try yoga

So on to what I do for detoxing … (more to come

Lemon water or Green tea?
You can’t go wrong with either … however, you either need to use fresh lemons OR organic lemon juice
first thing in the morning preferably hot water
Both are great if you need to rehydrate, green tea is packed with anti oxidants which help in disease prevention (take note if you have cancer antioxidants are known to feed the cancer and should be avoided) … aid in digestion and assist the liver in removing toxins.
Now, if you want a ‘super’ tea find yourself some matcha tea which is about 10 cups of green tea. Some of the benefits include lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff) … fat burning through an increase in thermogenisis…
I almost forgot … pink himalayan salt sole (pronounced ‘sol ley’) … to make it you get a mason jar (one that you use for canning) pour about a 1/4 inch of salt in the bottom and fill to the neck of the jar with filtered water. you take a teaspoon !! just a teaspoon and add it to 16 oz of water and drink it … I find it disgusting so I add a bit of organic cider vinegar to it. One because I like cider vinegar and two because cider vinegar has a ton of great health benefits to it … which I will cover in a bit.
On to Food …

Grocery list
keep in mind that anything fresh is going to be organic meat is going to be organic if I can find it at the very least it will be hormone free… (that’s kind of ironic don’t you think

chicken breast
Fruit … organic
oatmeal whole oats not that microwave stuff full of sugar and chemicals
veges any kind I can get my grubby hands on and lots of them organic if they are fresh and/ or frozen
I go through so many that I usually end up eating bags of frozen brocoli/cauliflower … green beans etc
salad stuff like leafy green lettuce tomatoes cucumbers, peppers, the more color the better…
salad dressing is balsamic vinegar and oil …its important to make sure there is no sugar in it
Some people might argue about the fruit and the fact that it is ‘sugar’ … the body processes fructose differently from sucrose and other refined sugars … I see it as a treat and depending on what it is a good source of fiber

I like to do this for about two weeks max … and then I start adding proteins back in more meat trade some some of my high fiber carbs for potatoes and rice
NO SUGAR ;-( which means NO coffee … we all know what that means

NO WHEAT so no bread ;-( ( that makes me very sad)
The only butter that will pass these lips is Kerry Gold butter made with milk from grass fed cows and yes there is a difference
I use coconut oil for cooking
The diet is limited mostly because I don’t like very much AND I am trying to clean out my system and get my body used to clean and free from anything processed … it is easy to fall into the habit of going cheaper on the food, getting ready made meals that look healthy but really aren’t … This isn’t the only detox diet and some would say it isn’t because of the meat but it works for me and it may work for you