Dianabol gain and dosage

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Sure it can, I’ve never personally had any added aggression, but it effects people differently. If you wanted to could reduce your dose to say 20-25 mg and run for 8 weeks, you have a better chance of having less sides and keeping more gains.
Yazdani said:
also gives you aggressiveness?
I know that you mentioned you’re a competitive fighter, I’ve been following alot of your posts for that reason. It seems as if your looking for something to increase or give you that killer instinct. You either have it when your in there or you don’t. There’s nothing that you can take that’s going to do that for you. Its something your born with, not something that you can develop. There are things that will increase aggression in the ring or octagon…in my opinion Dbol is not one of them, I would look at Halo or low dose Tren the week of the fight. You seem to be a little inexperienced with compounds tho I would suggest you stay away from those as well…just my opinion and two cents.
I’m really not trying to be an asshole bro, but I don’t think you’re grasping what I’m trying to say. Its almost as if your looking for some magic pill or compound that’s going to make you this strong, aggressive fighter over night. It doesn’t work like that…you should really do some research. How long have you been a competitive fighter? Living in the gym, busting your ass day in and day out, getting out of bed at 3-4:00 in the morning every day to run even when you dont want to, developing your skillset and fine tuning your craft…its a process of daily accretion. Taking PED’s and AAS will only enhance your God given abilities and talent. They WILL NOT create something out of nothing.
I have told him multiple times that weight gainer can’t be used in place of real food. Once I saw that he was only using dbol and no testosterone in his cycle I gave up trying to help.
I don’t ever give up on anyone but I believe that he shouldn’t even be using compounds. He is going to take 2 steps forward and probably 4 steps backwards once he stops running the dbol only cycle smh
Test base. Nutrition and training in check. You will make progress. Do you need DBOL? No. Can it help. Only if training and nutrition are in check.
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