SB Labs

Diary of a Happy Heffa Log

Welcome to my logs!
I’m a thirty something female who runs on caffeine and lifting shit. Have a love hate relationship with low weight high rep because I love a good PR. Pushing myself is like a dopamine rush I didn’t know I needed. Food is a necessary evil. Fueling your body is vital to your gains.

I’ll be logging here weekly my eats and weight training as well as any other relative info.
Goals is strong not skinny and just to be happy af.

Thanks for the suggestions, feedback and support UGM community. :muscle:t2:
Well. The last few weeks have been shit.
Thankful that things are settling down and this week here will be solid.

May 22-May28
Protein 614
Carb 482
Fat 222
Calories 6,889
Water 70-90 ounces daily
Sleep was solid
Weight 217-220

I started Sermorelin 30 insulin units nightly on May 24th.

Got a PR of 106 swing @ the gym. Stuck to mostly normal routine.

I’ll do my best to keep this running log as suggested.

Starting some supplements this week to lower testosterone will update on that soon.
Quick check in.
I don’t post enough. Sorry!!

Starting Phentermine in combo with the Semoriln I’m already taking for a quick cycle of 8-weeks and then I should be exactly where I wanted to be! Then I will start to work on body composition. Woo.
Stay tuned.
I’ll be back with another update in a bit.

Just started a new job. Kids home on summer break. 👻👻👻
Kicking cross fit style working out and dialing in on cardio these last three weeks and confining through end of august. Pushing for a once a week big lift and keeping the rest low weight high rep to go for the fat loss over the muscle build.
Eating clean 80/20 rule. Water first and veggies and fruit most. Protein shakes and like meat at dinner. Steak tips and chicken have been nice on the grill. But we have gotten so much rain. Sucks.
Working on not starving myself but it’s a mind fuck you know.
Its great to see you around. Phentrimene works well with appetite suppression and helps with speeding the metabolism I believe a bit also sounds like your still going for your goals and sticking with it I love hearing this

Alot going on to new job kids it never ends lol
I can only imagine smh lol
icancunha said:
Kicking cross fit style working out and dialing in on cardio these last three weeks and confining through end of august
I like this cross fit is good but alot of injuries for the same effect coming from regular cardio even in the pool or any other equipment or outdoor activities.

Becareful which fruits that you add in while cutting some can sabotage your diet but eating clean is perfect lots of water for the seramorelin and the phentrimine.
I believe that you have a solid plan in place im always curious about how your doing I look forward to hearing about your losses or gains in your next post all I see is you hitting goals as long as you stick with it and you are and dedicated.

Good luck and good gains sister

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