Diary of a middle aged, fat, broken mans comeback

Well, everything went well with the physical, and EKG. Next step is going under the knife on Monday AM… 4 days out and I’m kinda scared as hell, I’ve been having little panic attacks here and there. My training is still going well and my body has nicely adjusted to 200 mg of test a week… the only thing that my body does not like is that I’ve had to incorporate delt injections into my pinning due to not being able to pin my left butt cheek for the foreseeable future now! I’ll probably work out one more time this week just to keep myself feeling good and relax all weekend, spend some time with my wife, daughters and grand son. I may not be on here right away after surgery, but I will def get on here at some point next week to inform everyone of how things went!
Good luck brotha and hang in there,.if the panic attacks are really getting it’s control your surgeon should be able to prescribe Valium to help with this. Whenever I go in for oral surgery I start to freak and my doc will gimme a few to help out with the night before and the day off. Anyways brotha stay strong and keep us posted 💪🙏
Update 1/06/2020, surgery was this morning, 7 am. I am out and sitting at the pharmacy while my wife picks up scripts! I have walked a few times now with a walker. Overall, this is nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be! Time to relax a little. I’ll try and make daily updates about pain and mitigation and physical therapy.
Blood flow to the legs brother move them as much as possible… they will heal in no time take it easy and don’t push to hard as you might be going 2 steps backwards. Wish you the best brother.
Day 2 update. I could only sleep for about 2 hours at a time last night, they pumped so much fluid in me I constantly had to pee. There is a noticeable difference from yesterday to today on the stiffness and soreness, but to my surprise, I’m not experiencing any real pain… And to have the day to day pain that I was dealing with the last 5 years finally be gone is amazing! Physical Therapist is coming over today to run me through my exercises

Also, thank you to everyone who has given well wishes and words of encouragement!
Damn brother that’s great if you have none to mild pain.
Im sure that you already know this but take pt very seriously. I know at first I didn’t take it seriously for my ruptured bicep and I regret that but my pt made me realize that 1-2lbs lifting and just twisting. Basically just making the normal motions even at that weight is so important to getting back to 100%.
Im happy that everything went well I really am im glad to hear that you are doing well
Day three update, I’m able to get into and out of bed without my wife’s help now, and I’m moving around a lot better than yesterday. I can put almost full weight on my left leg when I’m standing still and when K walk with either crutches or the walker I can put most of my weight on my left leg again. I would say the discomfort factor is probably only a 4 or 5 today. The incision is still swollen like hell, but I’m expecting that to be like that for a while. I’ve been a minimalist with the pain meds, and trying to fill the gaps between hydrocodone doses with 600 mg of ibuprofen to help with swelling. Other than that, I’m Going stir crazy being stuck inside!
A little Friday update for you fellas, other than some ridiculous swelling and a wicked allergic reaction to where they taped one of the surgical curtains to my fat ass, everything is going well. I started to walk a little with just one crutch today, but will probably continue to use 2 through the weekend due to some bad weather supposedly coming in. There still is no pain, just discomfort due to the swelling, and I think a lot of the swelling is because I’m doing too much. Last night my leg looked like one of those stupid ass water snake toys that amusement parks sold back in the 80’s, so today and the rest of the weekend I’m really going to concentrate on laying down and elevating the leg while I ice it to help with some of that inflamation. I’m completely off the pain meds, and I’m only using ibuprofen now as well. Overall, this has been MUCH better than I thought it would! It is driving me nuts not being able to work out, but I think my shoulders and elbows and wrists and everything else were ready for a break!
Had my 1 week check up today. Dressing came off, the incision is about 8” long, from just below my hip, diaganal to the top of my left glute, right around where I pin… a little bigger than I thought it would be. I’ll get a photo later, still has the steri strips on it. Otherwise, everything is great. I was cleared to drive, told to start walking with no crutches as I can, and I have been. The only bad is I wasn’t cleared to go back to work next week like I wanted to be. I’m not sure I can take another week of sitting on my ass at home with my wife, I’m sure she’s tired of me too! But most importantly, I was cleared to get back into the gym starting next Monday and train anything I want above the waist! So, next week I’ll at least be able to vent myself through the gym!
That’s great news, and I couldn’t imagine sitting home that much with my wife, I’m sure she would divorce me
I think when I’m completely healthy I’ll have to go back out on the road for a few months working 7/12’s just to make up for the last couple weeks being around her all day every day. Haha
2 weeks and 1 day out. I’m walking without crutches completely, I still have a slight limp though, I believe due to swelling still in the joint capsule. I’m at Doctor right now waiting for my 2 week follow up. I did go to the gym today and work out, nothing crazy, just a circuit of upper body, all on machines and fairly light. It felt good to get back in though, I was going crazy not doing anything other than PT every day. Hopefully they clear me today to go back to work, that’s the last thing I’m waiting on, other than for the next 6 weeks to go by so I can start training somewhat like normal again!