SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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283 this morning
Yeah That’s would be last resort. Also can have a bulkier midsection in open just leave the obliques alone who knows when I hit finally form
It maybe fine
You can achieve abs brother as your body grows shoulders and back chest lifting and tightening your skin. I also have alot of skin but I was able to achieve abs at my biggest point after the primo cycles.
You will definitely get tbere it just takes time it took me 5yrs brother and I don’t have visual abs anymore
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Brother your still young you got decades to kill that shit and grow I don’t see you slowing down for any reason.
Keep your head in the gym and you will accomplish any goal you set.
Think about this when you first came to ugmuscle did you believe that you would be pushing 500+ its amazing it just takes time.
Oh I knew I would hit 500 if I never stopped lifting I would have gotten there naturally. Bow would I thought I could eventually get to 600 no. Now I’ll but damned if I don’t
Fuck I feel
Like I’m struggling on dead’s these days. I may have to change something up or maybe just take break all together from them
For awhile I did get 655 no straps and maybe it’s just mental but I don’t feel I’m getting drive off ground like o was maybe add speed work in after working sets
I’m going to just lighten loads and work on exploding off floor last taxing on cns and honestly I almost think I kind of just have started to sleep walk through my warm ups and no long try explosiveness on them. Greenwood int even thinking of maxing for two months one months sore worn and different varieties then
Get back to it
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