SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Found better place to out phone for photos it doesn’t have as much upper lean
On now dropping when my ace runs out take some time then going to try M1t. It’s just too hot for fucking tren. I like the results but I want to be comfortable as well so will revisits next year around February or so
I’ve got to be honest I’m
Looking forward to break from gym for that week accept the one day actualy see people socialize get hit on by very man at the pride parade that Saturday. Doubt I’ll have to pay for a drink and it won’t be cause I’m supplying the bartenders this time. I should def do pool friday to get a
Tan going and
Tighten that skin up.
I mean I have an issue even deload weeks i train hard as fuck just not on main lifts. I don’t know how to go and not go hard. So I think giving time off will be good been going the most days I’ve taken off in row is 4. I have 100 dollar gift card to bar I used to date the owner of buddy paid for 50 she doubled it so I may see if she wants to join at pool her bar and living space are a block away. Also being single again I feel like a bit more like myself. Not thinking oh can I talk to this person without. My gf thinking I’m trying to fuck her. Now I can just talk to woman and most likely I am. But sometimes I won’t be trying to fuck them hahah. I’m pretty sure the first crush I had down here recently became single so May shoot her a message. The possibilities are endless now. As you can tell I’m feeling pumped tonight maybe that dbol I took pwo today. But I’m feeling In best mood I have in weeks
That’s awesome man! I love hearing you are mentally feeling good. A week off is definitely a better deload for you. Plus it will be good to be back with friends.
Well back day hasn’t been affected by shot. Feel like I’m crushing it today think I’m going. To Swift he bet the rows to under hand grip I just feel better lat activation that way. And with using straps I dj t think my biceps get too involved so not worried about tears
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