SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Fist try at times lat spread
Ok so again I realize I keep forgetting to log my work out it. Maybe I need log and dirts diary as separate thread haha.
Back day

Bent rows sets of 8- 315x3

Life fitness lat pulldown 12- 190,205x2 this machine just seems to hit different and the cable one was taken use what you got

Kroc rows 12-125x3 so I usually try to do these in6 to 8 rep range as heavy movement but 125 is a far as the db go. Time to stick with meadows I guess

Hammer iso low 12-3ppsx2,3ppsand a 10

LF rows set to kid back 15-150x3 failed on 13 last set. Really get good stretch n these and go slow and controlled. Can feel lower traps and rhomboids tingles when finished

Called it a day
Makes me
Excited to see what a full run of tren Will do to Lean me out. But along with safety being comfortable
Is an important thing as well. Back to cruise starting Monday then will hit the M1t with cruise dose test week after back from vaca. Then cruise till ment
Mast is one of those compounds that either does everything right for you or goes the diametric opposite way. You’re lucky and so am I: Mast loves us. I keep looking for a widow’s peak or receding hairline or something, but nada.
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