Just had to submit claim for missed wages. Fucking haven’t received pay from 12 hours i worked April 22 they’ve had 2 check and 4 weeks to fix it but haven’t so now they going to have to pay up
Should be easy fix not sure if all the people working from home but shit just write me a damn check at this point. At least I made it to where they can’t just forget about it.
Fully carbed to day. Had pbj before heading out door
For Secind leg day. SqUats suck worked up to 450 for sets of 8 and my body after two five sad we don’t do this but I powered through. Sweat and breathing on tren are noticeable downsides so far. Sleep has been same so shitty isn’t as bad as super shitty ahha
Well I guess I may just go a head and work 12 hours the rest of the five days this pay period as I have nothing going on now the next two days I guess I could always post gym nap. And still go in do 8 hour days. But May as well do 84 with 8 hours holiday pay.
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