SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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I think the only day I may have a few is my bday weekend will be hard during football season but I don’t really have people to drink with anyways so that makes it simpler
We. Really shitty at lifting recently broke up for good with girl on July 4th she found messages I sent to ex back home telling her I still love her so that was that. No I’m back to having nobody here to spend time with. Should be great for me getting in gym and just putting my head down and grinding instead I’m falling pretty hard into depression knowing I failed somebody who truly loved me and the person I love doesn’t feel the same way back. I may take a break from everything and just try and get myself a little better. I have to be able to
Let myself have nice things in life or there is no point in living at all
Dirtnasty said:
I’m falling pretty hard into depression knowing I failed somebody who truly loved me
If this person truly loves you tell them the truth I still love my ex im not with her and I can’t help that its my feelings.

Tell her that you have feelings for her also because humans have alot of feelings and your big enough to spread the love lol a little laugh and smile shouldn’t get immediate results but if you want her back just be honest brother. People naturally can’t argue with the truth even if they try its the truth.

I don’t believe that you failed anyone the truth is a painful thing more than not I believe that the truth will set you free and let things get sorted
Dirtnasty said:
Let myself have nice things in life or there is no point in living at all
Always a point to live brother im probably dying and im still training and trying to run another cycle.

Do or die train or cry, not me or you we grab our shit and if you’re on the tracks watch out the train is coming through
Yeah she new I still had love for her but the fact that I told I her that I love her was the end for the current. I mean I’m not sure I would have ever loved this one either. She was great to me but there was some th if that never resonated with me. Probably that she did treat me so great. If she had been worse to me I would have probably been all over it. I think I just need To get back to training and not wor rt about it but I y not post as often. Cause my only other fire d down here is living in January and then I have nothing here and it makes me worry that I will start to make bad decisions.
You definitely know better than me brother above is just advice. I personally would love to see you dedicated to the gym and getting bigger.
I know that when you go hard you get big.
Dirtnasty said:
me worry that I will start to make bad decisions
I can say this idle time for us is extremely bad so yeah I would definitely put your head into the weights until you meet a gym girl I believe that she and you will truly get along
I just figured if I stayed with this girl long enough eventually I would love her but I know that’s not the case and I feel bad for wasting her time. I’ll probably not meet anybody else law down here and not sure I want to
Yes and I just put 50 mg of inject Abomb from phamaqo in me so I can go hit this morning I fear if I sleep I’ll lose interest to gym sleep work then sleep and gym tomorrow
Think my training is going to be all pause reps going forward on bench need to make sure when comp comes I’m not red lighting
I have been doing all pause on flat bench I haven’t done much else but sticking with it I believe that it will work your chest much better especially if you start using chains or bell sleeve
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