SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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I know there’s a very light “speed” they give our military pilots on occasion for combat missions. Very controlled and administered by the flight surgeon.

it’s not going to bounce them off the walls… just a little more alert.
They use Adderall or amphetamine salts every pilot has one in there survival kit.

They developed nootroopics originally for the military because they wanted to get away from the amphetamines the pilots didn’t like the modafinil or provigil so they were released for shift work disorder a completely made up disorder at the time lol

So much comes from the military industrial complex than into society but you know that

They need it to fly 48hrs straight or possibly longer
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Bigmurph said:
military industrial complex
Most folks don’t know about this… I would be willing to bet the amount of $$$ along with bodies (employees) and global reach… the military and all its side shows is probably up there with big oil, pharma… tech etc. maybe bigger.
It’s all very odd to me. The military (USMC specifically) scrimps and scrapes for every nickel to keep theirselves in a readiness state while there’s so much waste higher up in the bureaucracy. I guess that’s the game.
Depressing that we spend so much on our military and so much of that is pure waste. I have always been a supporter of military spending, but devoting THAT much of our budget to it DOES seem a bit crazy to me. And I’m a conservative!
So sleep was shorty past two days honestly I either crash for 12 or only get 3-4 at time and hope to fall back asleep for 2 more nothing inbetween. Of course it always seems that I’m feeling like I could get that rem right before my alarm hits for work
Slept till 5 today and woke up at 282 took my ai for week so see if I drop some
Water tomorrow but I feel
Giving till 10 for power at gym to come on if not I’ll just go to work and do dead’s tomorrow morning after work abs bench tomorrow evening before work fucking waste of double base today. Sucked when you waste product no longer being made
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