SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Im going to start doing this movement. I don’t have a really strong squat so doing deads and this type of squats or another is going to be a good leg day for me in the future
Ok foot felt great and I just kept putting plates on bar till uncomfortable. Well foot just be fully healed cause I just hit 500 for triple I haven’t squated heavy in about 6 weeks so that’s awesome
I may actually have to raise squat up as I’m hitting too good of depth with low bar. So much more comfortable I’ll be hitting 600 by end of august hope 650 may November also dont tell John but I did 2.5 minutes of cardio today
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Don’t why this just posted again.

Oh well I hear ya on the cardio. Not a terrible idea.
Wel did get aboit 4 hours maybe of sleep before work. Forgot to scan out when I left yesterday morning so almost said fuck and left after wait for 5 minutes to get let in. Clocked in before 12 so Friday will be double time for me. Now t o decide to do fil -2 or only 8-10. How much money do I need is the question all depends on how rested I am that late how much money I need rest more important than money to me at this point
Balance, from what I’m told is the key to a healthy and happy life. I personally haven’t figured it out yet. I would say go for the extra sleep but I would grab the OT Everytime.
I keep it volunteer so if I don’t feel like going in I don’t get penalized. If you sign your name day the ot is now a scheduled shift and you have to be there
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