SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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440 for sets of 3 comp bench about 40 pounds lighter than what I was doing touch and go. But all I have to do in comp is one and I feel the pause hurts more and more as reps go
By end of august t 475 is goal think I’ll get as I get used to pause I don’t feel I’m hitting cheat at all so it means I’m not retracting shoulders and staying tight may start using half rack so I can adjust rack height as I feel I have to half two to just get bar off also can put arms at height that will save me if fail
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Comp bench 5x3-410,430,440 410x2
Lay pull down 3x8-220
Triceps push down 4x8-130,145x3
Lat raises 4x12-35
Hammer low row 3x8-275
Finished on bench working on maintaining right back and shoulders.

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Still have your mass but you gotta hit it and tighten up you will look amazing your not far away from that at all and your legs are still huge
Yeah if I can just keep from getting fatter I’ll be happy with 10 pounds of muscle gain or so
My bench felt like shoulders to try’s today so they Gia workout chest just seemed lost. I need to really get back though with shoulders retracted so I’m stronger and less likely to reimburse shouder
So yo with cramps again thanks getting mag potassium sup today. Was 285 on scale. The little sleep has me feeling sting so much ahit. Def have to be growing some muscle back but man I didn’t think I would be able to eat on such a toxic compound at a high s dose. Makes me want to try it orally to see if it’s that high of difference. Maybe only way to use compound going forward and if so I’ll just use the drol instead
Coco vita brother it will erase any cramps or dehydration 32oz a day plus your normal amount of water. It worked the best for me way better than Tudca Taurine water additive and everything else I would give it a shot its at Walmart
Going to work up to heavy double on dl then do back down sets at 5 reps today hope to hit 620 for 2 easy. Weights fun at 287 so I have some
Weight to out behind e bar right now. All I know is if ment increases appetite I’m going to be entering food competitions as wel can’t stop the gains train hahah ol lack of sleep may slow the train down. I’m wondering if the M1t has something to do with it. Cause it’s ooke clock work if four hours then awake will nap after gym while lady foes to gym. Upping clen to 120 today then two days off no cramps today
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So I’m finding without straps the biggest issue I have isnt grip but I probably ggained about two inches of arm length from being able to kind of let fingers fo some and not wrapping thumb makes big difference
Today’s lifts
Dead’s worked up to heavy doubles of 585, 605,615
Sldl sets of 5-365x4
Pin squats 5 -405 x3
That’s it and that’s all eventually if I feel I can add more volume it will be another day for legs worked in. Still tinkering with how I’m going to do this prep may just break down and buy a program otherwise if left toy own devise i will constantly change it up and not be as effective
Today’s weight 280. Hopefully the clen and ai dropped a good water weight. Also got in some special headache medicine to help out my gf hope it works
Also took the look around the webs for M1t affect on appetite and it was mixed bag of suppressed or like me constant hunger. So hoping what I have is legit if not I got about 10 more days it will over lap with ment for like. Sucks cuase it’s seems to work well
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