SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Using half rack in case I get stuck on chest I can just relax chest and crawl out safety first. Also can adjust rack height need to work on keeping shoulder packed on unrack
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To believe that bout them for me cause because they saw me about to kill people waiting to squat when using halo and mtrn
Prefer 8 hours of it on off days not the full twelve just make it through next Sunday and I’ll be taking Monday Friday th right Sunday off he next week. I may pop in for 12 that Tuesday and if feel like it cause it just see what check look is like with working all days one week and only scheduled days the next
Gf has missed gym past couple days due to her nephew having hurt foot so today I offered to go to gym with her so will do some rear delt bis and maybe light chest work
Scratch that she is gong with nephew at 7 but didn’t let me know till now so now I have to go to gym at five by self on off day cause I already did pwo
Rear delts bis maybe some light upper chest work like fly’s since I was t even supposed to go today
I feel this, I’m 6 3 fuckin longgg as gap to cover on squats I started incorporating a smith machine I actually love it takes some pressure of my back
I got a buddy that comes over occasionally to train. He’s your height. We have to use both sets of j hooks for squats and manually lower or raise bar in between sets hahaha
Did incline up to 315 for 8 didn’t want to go to heavy have max in Tuesday then some pump in rear delts and fly’s and finished with barbell curls of 105 for 10
Im curious what your going to come up with for your percentages

Im also writing that article that I told you I was going to write I don’t see why I wouldn’t post it up today. Alot of interesting information even surprising me
It’s all new to me I’ve always just trained to go as heavy as possible rpe 9- 10 every workout now roid things multiple times a a week will have things going. By percentage so on non heavy dead’s day I may only do 6 reps at 60% to make sure im still working technique and form
I agree I believe that at the level your going for changing to averages should work out well for you brother I honestly have never trained by averages but I have read alot about it and it works for sure
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