SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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I’ve been pretty shitty with my actual logging of lifts lately. Promise once back on blast I’ll get with it for flashes sake
My first post after the “introduction” forum. I’ve basically just read this whole string and your journey. Two things…

props to you in a big way apparently you have extraordinary resolve.

Second. You remind me of tex cobb. A big burly bad ass from the 70’s and 80’s. Pro mma, boxer, actor. Cool dude. That’s a compliment!

Keep after it brother.
Back day all 12 reps or higher on sets. Feeling the pumps mid back is getting crushed with the rowing
Hopefully just begun this will be the first bulk that I’m not fucking up with stimulants 2-3 times a week so should add quality muscle
Leg day going to try and hit 465 for sets of 5 on squats. Feeling strong this afternoon
Fucking hip thrust for first time in about three months I think. Glutes are on fire after hitting 415 for 6 on sldl going to love day off tomorrow unless I do arm day pre bar
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Ok today’s workout
Squats 3x5-405 425 435.
Cyber leg press maxed out weight I think 510 3x12-14
Sldl 3x8-365,405,415 for 6 shakes on last rep had to drop bar felt great.
Sitting leg curls4x15-170
Hip thrust 3x8-380 for all sets.
Mosy strength work today and I feel a wobble in my step. Two
Days to recover probably do another heavy day Saturday
It’s a big cycle I’mhoping that the more frequent injects work will
Help with sides although I have ais serms and caber if need s
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