Dirts 2g of test test log


Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
Ok here we go all injects and most orals during this cycle will be pharmaqo. Test and ment are 350 eq1200 and I’m doing sd 40 Ed to get back at it

Today was comp squat
405 x5 and I was wiped out. So I guess I didn’t notice how little energy I had during the quarantine cause I didn’t do shit. Going to do bench on Wednesday and dead’s Friday and then get back to my program next week. I have jello legs from doig light squats only at work
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So got put on antiviral and anti biotics for infection that popped up during covid. Same infection popped when I got the vaccine but I didn’t take any antibiotics. So I’ve been shitting non stop past two days going to find out if that affects my workout I don’t feel week but don’t want to shit pants during dead’s
I just got off heavy antibiotics for a MRSA infection and those side effects about killed me. i guess the kill all the good Bactria in your stomach along with the bad Bactria and I could shit through a screen door for 10 straight days. I could barely eat too which really sucked for the heavy training days.
So I’ve given thought and I feel
Covid has put me behind about 5 weeks of prep work. If I could get refund I would try and withdrawal and o later but I will just make do with the time I have to prepare. Also I can always do another meet next year and hope to have not as many set backs.

Got all my ment and tren for the future also should have enough inject anadrol to run a few weeks on lifting days only