Embarrassing but I need to ask alternative ED treatments?


So my dick doesn’t work and im really worried lets say im 40 is this normal? Is anyone else dealing with this I understand that my testosterone is low but damn ive been shutdown plenty of times in life and never had this issue.

I know that the automatic culprit would be I used AAS but ive gotten blood work nothing is out of range except my actual testosterone level and its within range my doctor says even though it’s bottomed out. This can easily explain it but ive been here before and in the past never had this problem. The only time this has ever happened was on a decca cycle and I expected it and was prepared.

I honestly believe that it was a medication that they had me taking and I no longer take it because of the horrible side effects. It legitimately drove me crazy and I almost ended up locked up in the psych ward got off and everything has been fine after the detox from it and its not a narcotic medication just something for generalized anxiety disorder. Once I came off this medication my dick hasn’t worked since.

So I don’t know honestly and my doctor wants to prescribe viagra or cialis but there through the roof expensive.

I just want to figure this out is anyone else around 40 lose there ability to get and hold an erection I thought that this started happening around 50 maybe but ive known old timers that are pimps getting it more than teenagers so im trying to figure out if its Age, AAS, Medication or possibly something else.

If anyone has incite and has gone through this and knows of a different way that I can take to get myself in working condition again would be great.
I get that TRT will help which I will start again soon but im not completely shutdown so I believe that it isn’t the testosterone.
I believe that it is because of the medication that I was taking but I stopped.

Any help is appreciated
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This happened to me when I first used AAS and a brief stint with SSRIs around ages 39-44. I was going through a divorce and dating my current wife, who is over a decade younger than I, and I had to use quite a bit of Cialis and Viagra to get it up and even then, I frequently did not climax. It took my doctor about a year’s worth of low dose test cyp and daily HCG injections (100 iu) to bring me back, after which I went off TRT altogether and was normal for well over a decade. Not sure if that’ll work for you, BigMurph, but it did for me. Now, I’m on lifetime TRT because of low natural test, and I take 5-10mg of Cialis ED primarily for BP and BPH, but it also helps keep me hard. Really aggravating stuff. Hang in there.
I appreciate it brother that’s what the doctors other route was trt and hcg which is going to happen I just wish that I could know if this medication messed me up but I can’t claim it did because they will immediately blame AAS. Your right its extremely aggravating.
Thanks brother
I have some viagra that im using at the moment but I don’t like having to use them im hoping that I can bring it back to life without using cialis or viagra but im not sure if it’s possible.
My stress is always through the roof because of actual stress and my anxiety. I spoke with my doctor and he ruled out stress because as of lately since I got on better meds im doing much better with stress now then around say 3 months ago but stress is there for sure.

No stupid questions all questions should be asked
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Everything @NeuroRN said is what I’ve heard. I got friends that ended up with high bp and that killed his erections.

Ive also “heard” that there are bp meds out there that won’t do that…just heard.
This is another problem I should have added is my blood pressure meds. This could be another issue causing the problem.
I have taken the same bp meds for years but the anxiety meds have been changed plus I believe that lexa the medication did this to me and now I can’t regain control again
I can always lose some weight but im not heavy enough to cause problems ive been leaning out actually because im getting ready to start another run. My bf isn’t low though im around 16-18% definitely im not skinny but not fat either atleast right now lol
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I don’t understand it because ive taken the same bp meds for years never any problems until I started taking the other medication im no longer on but I actually posted this because I believe that im blaming that medication possibly for something that it didn’t cause I appreciate the honest information.
That’s honestly what I believe that medicine fucked me up so badly I can’t believe that they allow it to be on the market. I truly believe that medication did this to me its Lexapro I couldn’t remember the generic name but its a horrible medication that was hyped up to me as something that was going to help me so much and it almost tore me down completely.
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BP meds screwed up my erections. It would just quit half way through the deed. Possibly the addition of another med that causes this pushed it over the edge. Im almost 50 though, so I guess that is when it starts for some anyway?