SB Labs

Ever used Bold Cyp? (EQ with cyp ester)

jymbo said:
DHB is to Boldenone
DHB is actually to primobolan what testosterone is to DHT.

Primobolan is a dht derivative but when it is reduced in the body it becomes dhb.

Primobolan is a well-known and popular steroid as well. Like nandrolone it’s most often used as a base compound for stacking with other steroids. Methenolone however, is a DHT-based steroid (actually, DHB or dihydroboldenone, the 5-alpha reduced of the milder boldenon). Meaning when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme it does not form
Finally someone with some sense on this subject. I’ve been saying this ever since I heard about cyp bold. I was like what the fuck.
Im really starting to like you brother lol

Just playing but its true why not just take the oral or inject the compound that is its inj brother I guess is a good way to put it

Not just playing about liking you your actual a great addition to the community
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Science fukin’ rules!



Primobolan has an extra methyl group on the first benzene ring at the expense of some hydrogens in DHB. Most steroids look very similar in structure, being based off of testosterone. It must have been an Ochem field day when they started tweaking testosterone. Mad science!
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I love it

I also like the molecular structure pics are you just getting them from Google or is there a site I can check out??
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Just type in whatever coupound + molecular structure, be sure to read the caption though (I almost posted DHEA as primobolan) cause they can get lumped together. Some are more easy to read than others, by that I mean they label methyl groups and such whereas others are just lines.