Ive never tried it @Youts running it the last 2 wks is that to get you really peeled and thin or does it actually add mass in a 2wk period? Sorry just read your entire post lol
I still haven’t really gotten into pwo except when I was using nandrolone base for awhile
I think most ppl post stats, goals, and priors in their introductions, and Then create topics about specific questions separately. I think most people’s stats etc are posted but just not in the specific compound question posts. I appreciate threads about specific compounds and the knowledge that comes from those topics.
Ahhhh! Thats good to know then. Some of these chems are advanced not as in they make a person special but advanced as in most wont need em. Lotta folks hit nationals before going into the crazier combos.
But yes, its all interesting. After couple decades of dabble, i really enjoy the old days where i could grow fast on just 300mg test.
A bad attitude for you doesn’t mean for someone else. My goal is to get bigger and stay in shape, and someone’s stats play no part in what I want out of my work or what I’m doin. What need is that? Compounds assist us with what we’re doin so there’s the need.
The few bodybuilders I know use it at some point when they are cutting before a show I guess to keep strength up while they are miserable but I can tell you this it does make for aggression I have seen that first hand but could just be they are already feeling miserable getting ready for a show I got respect for the guys who do it cause it doesn’t look at all fun easy or comfortable
My two cents on halo. It’s very very toxic and hard on your body. We use it the last 4 weeks of prep to help push us a little more and helps hold size. For me it’s the only compound that puts me on edge and I really have to watch my attitude on them. It’s also very hard to find legit halo. I honestly wouldn’t touch halo unless I was in my last 3-4 weeks of show prep if you’re not in prep honestly not worth take just my two cents worth.
Thanks, I figured you would say that, I think I even had a conversation with you in the past about it, and it makes sense someone like me shouldn’t run it, and I use superD which is enough for my liver, but halo as a pwo i do enjoy time to time
"someone’s stats play no part in what I want out of my work or what I’m doin. "
But this forum wasnt about you. It was written by the OP. stats might not matter to you but if you like giving out advice to a 6ft tall 165lb beanpole, then hsve at it. THAT is where stats come into plsy. As well as priors. Giving some 18yr old anorexic a comp prep cycle isnt helpful. And running gear just thinking its magic is a flaw.
I know a few strong man that use them for shows. Start out at 20mg and can go as high as 40mg you should be ok. That’s what I’ve always heard. Also a lot of guys use something else I can’t remember exactly name maybe cheque drops? I think that’s how it’s spelled. I’ve heard insane strength within those
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