Experience with Kidney Stones

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Around the middle of January I suddenly got a lot of pain in my flank and after a trip to the ER and mri found out I had a kidney stone. The stone passed without incident and was gone when I had a follow up mri. However despite this I have had off and on inflammation and soreness in my kidney that has never went away 6 months later. I even went back in March and got an ultrasound done as well as bloodwork multiple times which confirmed there was nothing abnormal going on and my kidneys were functioning fine, just had inflammation. Has anyone experienced this lingering pain after a stone? If so what did you do to get it to go away?
Cut meat out your diet for 90 days. I know - hard to do especially considering our lifestyle/hobby.

Drink tons of water, when you’re tired of drinking then drink more

Stop all forms of alcohol for 90 days

Get a full body cleanse supplement

Do a liver/gallbladder flush as well

More than likely you have a buildup of acid in the body and that has a profound negative effect on the kidneys - homeostasis is needed.
Did they see more stones in there or was that it I do t get them but my wife does and my boss is like a fucking factory for them but he drinks like a damn fish my wife doesn’t practice healthy lifestyle choices ( obviously she married me ) but she gets them no matter if it’s water only and clean food or beer and mickie dees I
@skoonz I already don’t drink alcohol and I definitely drank a ton of water when I had the stone but I can start doing that again as well as trying a cleanse. Cutting meat out will definitely be a challenge for me I already only eat white meat idk if that makes a difference
@Outlawthing I passed all of them as far as they could tell and I was back in the gym a few weeks later despite them suggesting me to rest so that could be part of why it’s still sore I just can’t sit on my ass unless I’m in intense pain working out is therapy for me lol
Had one a few years back from living off energy drinks and same thing happened to me. It wasn’t the constant pain, but would come off and on for months and months. Dr told me it was healing and was pretty typical. Needless to say, after going through that much pain, I rarely drink energy drinks anymore!
Yeah, I don’t even chance it anymore, straight water 98% of the time for me! I think it also depends on the type of stone it is too. I want to say mine was calcium? Dr. told me to slice lemons and add to my water…I guess it’s supposed to help prevent them.
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