SB Labs

First Injection Site


Well-known member
Last night I pinned my right Ventralglute for the first time. Went through all the preparations and went pretty smoothly feeling a little sore today but still got up and hit legs hard!! I pinned slightly lower than the pictured spot however, is this a problem? Off by about 1/2 inch would this be of any concern if there was no pain and no blood after aspirating?
Brother I’m going to say this…kind of bro science…injecting is not an exact thing to a point. If you’re a little off here n there and you’re not hemorrhaging profusely or crippled or infected then its ok.

I’m pretty sure aspiration isn’t taught anymore. No one really does it for subq or im.

You’ll figure out your favorite spots and a rotation.
Agreed with poppy. My wife pins my glutes for me. She uses 1.5 inch needles and sometimes I get little lumps she feels around the lumps and pins different spots. It’s really a fairly large area of pinning space just look up sciatic nerve and stay away from that area. If your lean you could get away with 1 inch.