SB Labs

I’m alive, and coming back

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Yeahhhh I’ll be dialing back next leg day 😂😂 I had to lay on the floor for a bit and let the back pumps shake out after this one.
I love it im getting tested by a company for internal travel. Pretty good. You’ll know they are big, but everyone is acquiring hospitals and leaving the local names not the big companies. Tenet has like a different name in each state, Dignity or hello human kindness now its common spirit…Im looking at Tele or M/S tele, I took the first test and didn’t stop did the ICU questions on titrations and meds. It was not a cakewalk but they try to trick you with % of this Mg/kg/hr vs MG/ or micro /HR. the next one is situational…Looks Kinda Tough…Ill send it to you to finish the ICU part. Im not doing ICU or SDU, not even PACU but I wanna look tough, then I thought wait More will be expected of me!!! Dumbass
Hahaha never show what you know… you’ll end up being in charge. 😂😂

My hospital just got bought by common spirit and it’s already a fucking disaster.
AHH shit. Actually its Steward that has the internal travel. I just want to go hide somewhere by a gym and some food. I just want 2 diffuse abdominal pain , seekers, 2-3 post op and they all get phenergan and Dilaudid. They set their phone alarms for every 3 hrs. Education , verbalized understanding. Banner has a travel and home care, owns aetna now, Amazon has what one medical. I like the idea.
Verbalized Understanding* all our education charting has the Asterisk by it to make sure we know that’s what they want charted 😂😂
I gotta try these split squats ok the toes. My feet are flat, and rolled an ankle so bad a year and a half ago, felt a huge pop on top of foot. Entire foot was dark purple for weeks. Negative on broken bones but never got anything to check soft tissue and ligaments. Swear I tore something. Took a good 6-8 months to feel confident to cut on and fully trust. Stil bothers me now. Long story short, gonna try this shit. Thanks boss.
God I’m bad at this

Taking queue from poppy I am keeping a very loose split these days.


Legs has become one weighted set of quad dominant, one weighted of hammy dominant and the rest is body weight. Lunges, split squats, etc all done at body weight but high reps.

Legs today:

Leg curls
Belt squat

Split squats


Neuro said:
keeping a very loose split these days.
Nothing wrong with that… need an extra day or two for whatever… take it…. Feeling extra dangerous… hit two days in a row.

Keep it fun rather than “job-like”.
I’m heading this way myslef have one more month with coach and not sure if I want to compete anymore so may just go and do what I feel needs it on days when I go In
Don’t really feel the need to I’m sure if I get back at it maybe that will come back as well but I just go to work on showing up consistently again first. Also competing for me was more of giving me something to look forward to. Now that I have a person I like and can actually spend time with not fighting all the time I’d rather just be able to take weekend trips with her and do stuff than have rigid workout regimen and the. Do vacation. Focused around me lifting weights.
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@Dirtnasty @Neuro

My opinion only… I believe that’s the best attitude/mindset. Unless you’re competing there’s no reason to miss out on the many beautiful things in life for the gym.

Dave Tate at ELITEFTS did an article years ago on this. He interviewed a handful of powerlifters that were ranked extremely high in the world and well known internationally. It was all anonymous so they could speak freely.

All of them were heavy into narcotic pain killers and debilitated. They explained how many big life moments they missed out on just so they wouldn’t miss a training session. Not one of them made a nickel off their lifting other than the (maybe) $1000 prize money at the moment.

Basically they all said it wasn’t worth it and their records/names faded into obscurity.

Average meathead can afford to miss a gym day…a week…or even take a month off. Unless you’re making a living off your “brand” there’s no need to risk life or limb.

My opinion which is worth just what I charged ya… nothing.
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