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I’m alive, and coming back

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Not very long ago… I embraced it. The nurses that would be 250 at 5 ft 4 , giving me “tele holds” asking me to help turn their patient and they would dissappear on a smoke break! I thought i was the smartest one in the room. They had to show me i was not, by a long shot! I think thats kinda what your saying… The new wave of simulation nurses. The computer says… The computer doesnt have sepsis or necrosis from shooting up, now they have been bullied and are looking to leave the bedside. We all find our own way. I was never called to nursing as an avocation is what i was taught but those RNs made it 40 years didnt take shit home. Im nuts, always have been… Nuts enough to last, pay some bills, and not eat lead. paint or otherwise. Man, I can’ t even imagine being around on days.
Ya. You’ve had lots of good progress since then. Your pics now and back then don’t even seem like the same guy.
The simulation nurses are a scary wave!

Days sound nice for a decent sleep schedule and that’s about it. lol I get in enough trouble as it is
Finally feeling like a human again. RSV kicked my ass. Ended up needing an inhaler for a bit. But I’m probably about 90%.

I’ll be switching my training to push/pull/legs but on a loose schedule. Much like what. @Poppy mentioned awhile back. Upper/lower split is just too time consuming. I’m not looking to slab on mass so no need to focus too hard on getting each group twice a week. This allows for some freedom and well, I’d just rather spend 45 min-1hour in the gym vs 2 hours.
I must be the poster boy for training too much then, because I have yet to ever get out of the gym in less than an hour! 😂
Well, I’m pretty harsh on myself, so I live in a constant state of nothing is working. 😂

Seriously though, I have always lived in the Arnold Encyclopedia of what he states should be how many sets etc. each week per muscle group. (i.e. 20 sets chest day). I need to possible give it a shot and scale back some and see what happens and if i my mental state will allow me the reduced time and sets in the gym.
In my most dedicated state, the start of my progressive overload cycle would start with approximately 6-8 sets of chest in week one and by the end of week 6 there would be roughly 18 sets of chest.
That’s how i kind of figured I would scale back a bit. I run 18-20 sets total of 5 exercises for shoulders, back, chest, and legs, but slightly different on arm day.

I could scale back the last 2 exercises in each to 3 sets and probably not go too loopy in my twisted brain of training so much per muscle group.
I followed RP templates religiously for years. By the end of those 6 weeks you’re in the gym for 2 hours easily.

I say try scale back and see if it works! Then at least you will know if it works for your body.
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
Good for the “Snoul
Season 9 Good Job GIF by Friends
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