Had been 6 weeks on my previous routine so time to switch it tho. Moved around a few lifts and added a couple new. Lifts were strong but may whatever is causing this radiating pain down my hamstrings needs to go away. It effects me bad no matter what part I’m lifting
11/10 - Back/Traps/Cardio (Bens Mass Gain Routine #2 - week #7)
Focus on solid form with good stretch and contraction, 2 minute rest between working sets
Seated Rows: warmups: 90x15, 135x15, 180x13 … working sets: 245x10, 260x8, 275x6, 275x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 3 more reps)
Single Arm DB Rows: working sets: 110x10, 115x8, 120x6, 120x6 (rest pause (5-10 deep breaths) at end for 3 more reps)
T Bar Rows: warmups: warmup: 90x15, 135x15, working sets: 205x10, 215x8, 225x6, 225x6
Wide Grip Pull-ups/Chin-ups: working sets: bwx10-15x4
Rack Pulls: 225x8x2, 315x5x2, 365x3x2
Barbell Shrugs: warmups: 135x25, 185x15 … working sets: 225x15x4
Seated Shrug Machine: 90(each arm)x15x4
Fasted Uphill Walk: 25 minutes