Flash TD. Got my spring cycle ready

We’ll look at you and look at me. Maybe that’s the difference lol. Jkjk. That’s actually good to know. I’d like to say maybe I’ll start off less and increase bit deca is slow reacting. Maybe I’ll start off slower and if I feel the need to increase I’ll just extend my cycle a couple weeks
I was going to mention BP as well. With any oral definitely monitor your BP closely. Liver wise honestly if your not taking crazy doses it should bounce back. Glutathione would be a nice addition to this tho for liver support. I know for me Anavar was awesome, TBOL made me feel great for about a week maybe two, went to my doc for a regular appt and my BP was scary high. Immediately stopped it
I promise rusty when I’m his age my cycles going to be completely different than they are now. I also factor in the no kids relying on me if something was
To go wrong.
I agree that more is better so long as you can as you said keep everything else on point and of course keeping BP to an acceptable level and taking liver/kidney supps to support while high dosing. I think each person reacts differently however there’s usually a standard base to go by to start, but the only way to tell 100% is to get blood work before, during and after the cycle. For me, I got up to 1200 mg Test E per week with good gains, anything past that and I had diminishing returns. I got no better results when my total test was 6000 plus ng/dl then when it was 4000 ng/dl…on blood work. However, having been on TRT for many years now, 500 mg of Test E per week provides zero gains and at best only sustains my strength and mass. I keep my TRT at 250mg per week but for gains I have to run Test E at 900 mg per week minimum to see any gains at all to include other injectables. Overtime I believe our body adapts to anything, stimulus, drug, training regiment, etc. and nothing will change unless we increase the dosages. That said, its just my personal experience on myself. Like you Rusty, Im working on getting my body fat down well under 15% before I allow myself to do another bulking cycle.

Brother Rusty

@Dirtnasty and @johnjuanb1 have responded with cautionary statements.

You know how I feel about too much juice (I know it’s relative).

You’re ~10 years older than @Dirtnasty and younger than @johnjuanb1.

You’re a big fella naturally…you’re also quickly approaching the age at which all sorts of nasties start showing theirselves.

I believe some of these visions you have in your head are that of guys in their 20’s and 30’s… maybe early 40’s. I get it… but you’re not that age anymore and next stop is 50.

Maybe throttle that cycle back a bit and aim for something a little more “age appropriate”.

With all that. You’re a grown man. You gotta do what ya gotta do…I get that too.

My opinion…worth exactly what I charged you…nothing
More is better… better for what? At what cost? For what reason? To what end?

I thought this mindset had been shelved even by the pro’s for the last 10 years.

More is better is the farthest mindset from harm reduction. Even phd has said more is usually not better.

Why not run low doses over longer periods of time, I’ve never run over 350 mg of test except for several weeks at a time… and I’m still growing, still gaining. And I have SO much room to increase?

If we can find some research, non anecdotal, that says for long term health, wellness, AND muscle mass that more is better I would love to see that.

Muscle cross sectional analysis showed 10% increase in size on 100mg of primo. What everyone says is a week growth promoter. 10% muscle growth in a year is fantastic…. On 100mg of primo. 100mg. Of. Primo.

Less is more. If you wanna stay in this game and be the same age as @Poppy.

@Rusty I feel like we have this same convo every cycle. People who care about you saying maybe this isn’t the best thing.

Same thing as @Poppy… my opinion is worth what I charged ya or something like that.
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The good thing with dosing lower is you could even stretch cycle longer. I’ve been reading about guys who instead of blasting cruising just run lower doses year round switching up compounds here and there as long as blood work shows all is good and they feel good. It intrigues me. But I know ky self if I don’t cruise I’ll end up just doing blast year round cause well I’ll justify its lower dose for me 700 test and 400 deca iSnt that mush hahah
I think this is actually MUCH healthier than a pct as well. I didn’t like it at work, but after reading up on it I think running low dose for a year plus is actually healthier and less harmful than the standard 12 weeks and pct.

The goal of hormone modification should mimic the hormone influx of puberty, we know our body can handle years of elevated test, DHT etc. and in male birth control studies men were able to restart HPTA after years of suppression for the study.
I don’t fault anyone for doing anything of this nature.

Just trying to present alternatives in the spirit of harm reduction.

I really don’t care if someone wants to run heroin in their veins or drink their self to death. Just don’t be a burden on others…namely me.