Flash TD. Got my spring cycle ready

I think that’s an awesome combo with dose doses. If you do it right recomp wise you’ll start really changing around the end of the 2nd week. For me test has a sweet spot around the 750-1200 mg mark.
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What everyone think bout doing 600 deca and 1200 susy? @johnjuanb1 @John @Jonny @RIR0 @NeuroRN @EF9kid @Poppy @Flashlabs

Any input is great. Also got the turnibol and proviron kicking in. Never used turnibol. But what I do know is when I use Flash Cialis @10mg it reacts better then another sponsors cialis @ 20mg also I have a shitload of anavar from another sponsor it’s over a year old. Can that fit in somewhere in this cycle?
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You gotta use whatever you’re comfortable with. I believe the rule of thimb is no more than 1 oral at a time. I guess 2 if you got a super liver. Haha
I love it. Just stay on top of bloods. A lot of people down play how effective these drugs are and like to say less is more or they’re just the icing on the cake. Up to a point if you’re training and eating properly for your goals the more you take the more you grow or the more you mutate. The drugs play an equal part. When everything is on point the drugs play an extremely large part. There is an individual point where the dose is too high and the body becomes too toxic or the sides interfere with training, sleep or hunger but up until that point I stand by the more you take the better the results.
It depends on you do it. I don’t think 25-50mg of Winstrol stacked with 25-50 mg of anavar is any worse than 50-100mg of var or 50-100mg of Winstrol.
I used to love 50var, 50anadrol and it was easier on me than 100mg of one or the other.
Those are big boy doses. When I was competing 10 years ago I ran things that way. A 2:1 ratio test to deca is good. Tbol is amazing!
My go to stack off season during competition days was:
1 gram test( usually sustanon)
600mg deca
600mg equipoise
100mg anadrol/day
50mg dbol/day

This stack to me now is scary because I’m old and health comes first. If you’re young and healthy go for it.
SDROL makes my blood pressure go way too high. If it’s good for you I suppose it would make a good preworkout supplement. Let the sustanon and deca be the staple to build the mass. Anavar makes me cramp. I’ve used many brands and it always messes with my workout due to cramping. HGH I would use daily on workout days. I used to love taking 5ius HGH preworkout intramuscularly. The pump was amazing! I would imagine stacking SDROL with HGH preworkout would give a ridiculous pump and strength.
Did sdrol ever mess with your stomach? I would give me extremely painful cramps and bloating to the point of me not being able to stand up straight