Flash TD. Got my spring cycle ready

Just gonna add my experience with Deca maybe it will help you. I started at 400 Deca 400 test and gradually increased. Ended up at 600/600 but soon after blood pressure skyrocketed as did other sides. Dropped it back down to 400 Deca but kept test at 600 and everything subsided. For me 400 Deca was plenty.
I’ve never ran NPP but from what I hear Deca adds much more mass. I’m still having great results from it. Nitrogen retention is amazing made me super vascular. Sex drive is amazing too but if you go too high you will have problems and not just from prolactin. So far it’s been my favorite compound. I love Tren but the sweating is ridiculous I’m over it
All good stuff. I hate Tren. Hard to eat right I get real irritable the sweating thing is annoying although I never got that as bad as most. Biggest thing for me and Tren is my attitude I have zero fun when I’m on it. I just feel like I’m looking for a fight all the time. Not even a fist fight just an altercation. No more Tren for this brother
Just out of curiosity were you at a higher bf percentage? Were you retaining a lot of water? Was your estrogen under control?
I think you did the right thing by dropping it and finding the right ratio for you. I’m just curious if you were keeping up with and logging and all the data
Sciatica pain is no joke. I hate ibuprofen. Hopefully the inflammation comes down soon. I felt my sciatica throughout the night last night. It’s the first time I’ve felt it in a year. The thought of it escalating to the hell I was in on my 50th birthday is terrifying.
I hope your pain goes down quickly, Rusty.
Maybe try some CBD/THC to help reduce systemic inflammation?
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Body fat was a little high but not sloppy. Estrogen was always in check. I wasn’t retaining much water at all until I got into my 4th month and my diet got away from me. Don’t have any quality pics just a couple lame ones.

I was told by someone (who’s not here anymore) to run for at least 16 weeks. I ran it last winter for 14 weeks and dropped it and finished the cycle just on test so it be easier to do PCT.
Nice. I love a long cycle. I never ran EQ alone. Might try that too just to see how it feels. I am curious cause the only time I ran it was with Tren and all I could feel was the fucking Tren. Hate that stuff.