SB Labs

Gain Goals (whats your end game?)


Well-known member
So we are all here with different goals in mind some here to just be lean, some to just put on a little size, some to get shredded or have abs, some with a more bodybuilder physique others to maintain size. Personally id like to achieve being a mass monster but i also wouldnt mind just walking around like a tank as im already a big dude. So i was just curious on what everyone’s goals are and whats the plan that youve got laid out to accomplish these goals? Also and suggestions on a plan for someone who wants to become a mass monster? Feel free to discuss with each other below on what could be done for one to achieve their individual goals. Everyones input is valuable so join in on the convo!
I have been really lean and big 225ish when I was in my early 20s when I played football. I have done the dirty bulk just trying to walk around like you said feeling like a tank 236lbs.
I wanted to have abs again so my last cycle was a primo cycle and I got the abs I was looking for and I was looking lean and mean 212lb
I have also let myself go and weighed 265lbs all fat 30+% this is before I started running gear again.
I myself enjoy being kinda where im at now ive got size and mass the abs are there but no where near ripped just shaped.
222lbs 5’10" bf is probably 14-16% just a guess haven’t done measurements sense before my primo cycle. I feel comfortable and I believe that I still look good. Not as good as I looked after my last cycle but still good.
My end game is to just keep going and growing. Trying to avoid injuries.
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I like to put on quality size. I was 255 before I started prep. It was a fairly lean 255 I had abs and veins. Now I wasn’t 10% bf lol. But I wasn’t out of shape either. After this prep I want to hit 250 again but leaner. I’m 200 now with 4.5 weeks left in prep.
I will do a blast right after to take full advantage of a show rebound. I’m also only 5’8” so 250 on my frame is a lot. It hurts my back and legs sometimes that’s why I want to be a leaner 250 this time.
You just described me to a T bro! I weighed 267lbs this morning after pissing, dropping a deuce, and empty stomach naked on scale. My abs are very visible despite being covered by 8” of hair lol. Im goal is very similar to @Fitraver im trying to gain slow and steady with very minimal fat gain. Currently eating 5871 cals a day at 40%carbs-30%fat-30%protein. And im close to the strongest ive ever been so i know im in a very anabolic state :+1:t2:
I’m trying to gain another 20 of clean mass. Staying lean is pretty easy for me since I can’t eat anything processed, so once I’m able to train hard again the goal is to get to 180 and around 7% BF. Thanks to @MBTJR1980 suggesting I weigh my food I have really seen my body composition change recently.