Getting Back On A Cycle After Years Off

Not red yeast for beer. The yeast they use is surprising called brewers yeast
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@Bigmurph sir you can let this die on the vine here. I have gotten great advise from you fine men. I will post again after I get my a1c under control and/or looking for guidance. I’ll be in the area.
@Tickle I had to go hunt this down. This wasn’t long ago when I was contemplating something that in hindsight was pretty hair brain. @NeuroRN @TBU @Bigmurph gave me a gentle harsh dose of “pull your head out of your ace”. At the risk of over dramatizing They very well could have saved my life or at the least kept me from some irreversible harm. I took the advice and ran with it. My latest labs are posted under bloodwork… I think the word ecstatic is in the title. I dropped my a1c 3.3 points which is a personal accomplishment I’ll never forget. I give all the credit to these fine gentlemen here at UGM.

My whole point is they’re here on their own accord helping us as you’re here finding your way.
Oh and NO I havent ran the cycle i had planned. Probably wait at least 2 more months for more labs. Basically it’ll be 6 months since the above thread if i decide to do it.
I appreciate that you took the tough love and have used it as encouragement to others. I for one, am very glad you are here and contribute.
Great to hear the progress you’ve made. This is huge. And you’re showing some good responsibility for the new guys to take their health first before jumping on another cycle. Will be much better off in the long run