Getting Back On A Cycle After Years Off

@NeuroRN your thoughts DO count. That’s why i came here. I’m assuming you’re a nurse…? In the last 3 months i have cut out almost all junk. My bane was oreos…every flavor! My sugar intake is almost nothing and my carb intake is counted closely.
Hey brother!!! I have searched and researched for two years about AAS. Lay awake in bed googling and 2 am. I wanted to feel confident and safe. After I finally came across UGM. I got good real information and my search stopped here. I can tell you that @NeuroRN has done a ton of research for us here. Have you ever tried to read one of those studies. Damn have to have a medical degree to understand them. He is also very humble. If he doesn’t have a good answer he will tell you straight up!! I love the guy and trust him. I ask him a lot of questions as well as @Bigmurph. I am glad you found us and you are sharing all the right info. Thank you for your service and welcome!!
@John you did 3 tours in country in a 4 year hitch?!!! Good gravy!!! I heard they were being unreasonable lately but that’s ridiculous.
@NeuroRN I’m kind of ashamed to say this. But I believe you good folks can help if you know everything. My drs nurse called me today with my labs. My a1c went up 2 points to 10.1. Be completely truthful I had cut taking one of my meds twice a day to once. I was being “experimental”…apparently I’m a dumba$$. I have no problem listing meds if it’s not against the rules.
I know buddy, and you figure, between, boot camp, school of Infantry and actual training yeah I was a busy boy, but it was exciting to say the least
Ouch. Sounds like you need to get back on that med for sure.

Tell me more about your diet? I think type 2’s have seen good results from carnivore from what I have seen. I’m not saying everyone should be carnivore, just something I’ve seen more of recently.

What about cardio exercise? How often are you doing that?
@John well thank you for your service brother. Had my turn…you had a whirl…someone elses turn. Glad you made it back. We buried a local boy here not long ago. We were all on the highway for the procession. Sad very sad.
@NeuroRN first I hope you know your help is very appreciated.

We are meat eaters at our house.

Daily intake is protein 200 gm ~ try and get 100 + from meat eggs cottage cheese. The rest is whey protein with little to no carbs. No milk.

Carbs are 100~ non weight training days and 150-200 max on weight training days. Oats, rice, occasional potato, maybe 4 slices bread a month, unsweetened cereal, once a month or so pizza/cheeseburger with fries, very little pasta, occasional grits.

Weight train m-w-f. Push/drag a sled 2-4 days a little lazy on cardio. I keep very active around the house/yard.
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I’m in no way a diabetes educator or anywhere on that level… just want you to get as healthy as you can.

Sounds like diet is well under way to being controlled… If you stick to it and hide the Oreos haha

Honestly, I would say with an A1C of 10… you’re a ways away from a cycle. I would increase that cardio. 5 days a week. Train for health for a few months. I know that’s the last thing you want to hear… but that’s what is going to keep you around your family the longest.

You keep rocking a double digit A1C and your going down a long dark road of kidney and liver disease. Let’s be healthy before we’re huge.
@herrubermensch @MySQLMan Good morning gentlemen. It appears you guys are about my age and I realize everyone is different. At the risk of getting too personal, I was curious about your sugar control and how cycling gear effects it.

I’m not very good at it but have had a renewed resolve to buckle down (read pull my head out of my a$$). I’ve already got outstanding guidance here. 9 months and counting to the big 6-oh.

@Bigmurph Sir…can I leave this thread “here”. I’ve got a hard head and WILL get my sugar under control and start cycling again. Until then I will be doing my due diligence. Please advise if it needs to be moved.
I am very fortunate in that respect, viz., my blood sugar has never been an issue, and I have for the most part eaten a high protein, low sugar diet my entire life. I do love good pasta, but I check myself in that regard.

Cycles have never changed my A1C or for that matter my triglycerides very significantly. In fact, for a while, I was taking red yeast rice to keep my cholesterol down while on cycle, and my doc told me I had driven it too low (total in the 120s). I get tested every 90 days no matter what on the theory that the human body needs at least as many sensors making at least as many measurements as a car engine, though nobody thinks of the human body that way unfortunately.

If anything, I tend to eat much better on cycle because I tell myself that I’m stupid to be doing this if I’m not going to do it right and make the most of it. I think that has a lot to do with my continuing good test results.

Sorry! Not much help, I know!