I am very fortunate in that respect, viz., my blood sugar has never been an issue, and I have for the most part eaten a high protein, low sugar diet my entire life. I do love good pasta, but I check myself in that regard.
Cycles have never changed my A1C or for that matter my triglycerides very significantly. In fact, for a while, I was taking red yeast rice to keep my cholesterol down while on cycle, and my doc told me I had driven it too low (total in the 120s). I get tested every 90 days no matter what on the theory that the human body needs at least as many sensors making at least as many measurements as a car engine, though nobody thinks of the human body that way unfortunately.
If anything, I tend to eat much better on cycle because I tell myself that I’m stupid to be doing this if I’m not going to do it right and make the most of it. I think that has a lot to do with my continuing good test results.
Sorry! Not much help, I know!