Giving blood, what a difference

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Ok, my trt doc that retired never mentioned giving blood, at all.
My head was pounding, my BP was through the roof, and I was having a hell of a time catching my breath.

Wanted to say thanks to all the guys that posted about giving blood, I went yesterday, and it was like a weight was taken right off my chest.

I can’t believe the difference giving a pint made in the way I feel.
I haven’t started it yet, hoping this weekend I have the time to sit down and reconstitute it and start up on Monday.
I went to a blood specialist. He said giving a pint every 2 months is like an oil change and good for you. The place I donate to sends me updates where the blood is sent and what used for. Generic of course. Used in ER/OPERATION/etc. so that’s kinda cool. I give it for free. Because I have to pay my way back into heaven. Karma is a motherfucker.
Ya this was a free place too, I figure it’s helping me, and hopefully helping someone else on the other end, and that would be cool to see what it was used for!

I filled my bag up in under 6min which the lady said was pretty fast, and I didn’t feel dizzy or weak or anything afterward.
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It was so worth it, I was getting dizzy at times standing, and now I really think it may have had something to do with tearing my muscles constantly this last month.
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I’m glad to hear that I think Sig will feel better too go as often as you can it really helps me I can say the Veni fits far outweighed the risk it’s free they will let you know if they find something weird my place tells me my cholesterol online
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I give blood every 8-12 weeks, it helps keep the blood thickness down. Probably why you bp was high and the headache. Try and keep your hemoglobin around 14-18. Before I started giving blood mine was 18.8 and any higher the Red Cross would not take me, I think 19 is the cut off - as the blood would have to much iron. Right now it 14.3 just gave blood a week ago. Check with the Red Cross where your at, it’s free - just do whole blood and they it’s going to someone in need. If they turn you away then you might have to go to a specialist which would charge you.
One thing is a must is what we refer to as a “blood dump” or donating blood. This must be done as your hemocrit and hemoglobin go up tremendously on anabolics due to the EPO nature of the anabolics while also reducing ferritin and hepcidin.

Really glad to hear this. Like one member put, its changing your oil and protects your most important muscle the heart.

Everyone should donate. This will also help with Blood pressure, hot flashes and head aches. Feel like a new man.

Plus side your donation on cycle will help pee paw needing it get a jolt of test haha
That’s crazy your doc let you suffer like that. That’s something they should be highly educated on because a high rbc puts you at risk of clotting, stroke, etc… I can’t donate blood in the normal sense, the reason being I have no useable veins in my elbow area where they draw from. My doc, being the best doc I’ve ever known, let’s me come to his office and he will drain a pint from a vein in my leg. It’s totally unconventional, but he cares and that’s awesome.
Glad you got some relief man!
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