Going in for surgery today


Well-known member
Well fellas the day has finally come. I’m going in today for my umbelical hernia surgery. Little stressed out over it, specifically over the healing time. 4-6 weeks is really gonna take a toll on me mentally being outta the gym. It is what it is though. Going to be bringing down my calories to maintenance numbers. I will be running test prop EOD 50mg during this time, and also I got my hands on a few Genotropin pens, I figure at 2 iu a day will greatly help with recovery.
Good luck bro! PM me if needed… was back lifting light / machine in 3 weeks! 100% back to normal 14 weeks post surgery… was really back to normal lifting routine after 10 weeks. Listen to your body…
Get comfy and chill for a few day! Netfix and naps! I was able to get on the treadmill on day 3… helps the healing process … GH didn’t hurt either lol! Glad it went well bro
Stay ahead of the pain, Im a wimp, but 2 days were bad for me. I had adhesions taken down from the first one. I have to laugh because I “ordered” hydromorphone from the surgeon for home 4mg every 2 0r 4 hrs. HA! I get the healing zzone ready and I get a few oxycodones.
Staying on top of the pain I think is key here. They gave me oxycodone, but I really try not to take em. Last night was definitely a little uncomfortable and had to take a few though.