Golden era of bodybuilding no test base

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I was listening to a podcast and a upper level competitor stated he quit using test base do to the constant battle with estro sides. He would use deca as a base or eq. I knew older competitor did this, but now it seems as a cardinal sin if no test or little test is used. My question is has anyone experimented with a no test cycle? What was it? Outcomes? I’m curious to this because the older bodybuilders are what got me into lifting so thats what I look to.
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So the reason we HAVE to use test as a base is because of the estrogen we get from aromatization. It protects your heart and brain from heart attack stroke a death. This is why trest is the closest thing that has come out that can be used as a base.
Ok what’s happens to those who have little to no estrogen sides, why not take a chance and see what happens for one cycle, I doubt one small cycle me with no test is gonna affect you that horribly…
I have read only the paragraph where they talk about using those compounds back then they didn’t know what we know now but to control estrogen you can use an ai.

Im not promoting this I just believe its possible most bbers didn’t have it anything like it is today @rnmuscle will tell you they would inject any compound and all of it that they could get there hands on I believe what ever was around was used back then
John said:
Ok what’s happens to those who have little to no estrogen sides,
This doesn’t have any relevance to those with no estrogen? The amount of sides one has doesn’t reflect an absence of the need of it.
John said:
why not take a chance and see what happens for one cycle
Estrogen is essentially a motorcycle helmet. It’s presence is irksome, can cause discomfort, but ultimately serves a massively important safety function. A motorcyclist most often will only ever complain his helmet without ever having to be truly thankful for its function… but those who have put it to the test would tell you they sure are glad they had it.
John said:
I doubt one small cycle me with no test is gonna affect you that horribly
Risk vs reward. Is that trip without the helmet to the corner store worth it if it leaves you with a stroke? Heart attack? Most people would say just wear the damn helmet.

Hard reduction would say why risk it? What’s to be gained when the other side is doubling potentially tripling your risk of heart attack or stroke?
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Ok your right,butThis whole thing is a risk,putting steroids in our body,we can preach safety while injecting drugs in our body.And its dumb for me having this conversation a anyways cause I’m not ever do a no test,I’m just tryin to look at both sides.I will say my body could probably benefit from a little more estro honestly.
I don’t believe preaching safety and Harm Reduction is bad at all and will always be what we do at ugmuscle
We don’t use drugs we use compounds were not inj heroin or fet.

Risk vs reward the reason I don’t use trenbolone everyone makes there own choices we just try to help them do it as safe as possible
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I made it a point to say I’m not for doing it,just lookin at both sides,and other things so I didn’t sound to negative,but it obviously didn’t work,was it that bad @Bigmurph ??
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I was playin devil’s advocate,and try to make a point, and I do like to take risks sometime,it is what is…This also a pain in the ass in that,lots of things get lost in translation in these keyboard conversations,and people think I’m angry every time I’m in these conversations,which is partly my fault.
No need for that buddy. My wife just says I’m to intense sometimes,shes right,it just happens,I don’t even realize most the time.
I also can appreciate @NeuroRN comparison using the Helmet,I hop on my quad all the time,fly up and down the road,No helmet…if my wife catches me,she freaks out,then I put it on.
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