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Good! How can that be good?

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Military Vet
So as some of you know I recently hurt my knee and probably will require surgery to repair. So after meeting with my surgeon the other day I went back to my gym to train. A few members asked how it went, so I told them the news as I loaded some sleds to push and pull outside. They asked WTF are you doing? You don’t seem upset. I said I’m not. A while back I had the pleasure of working with US Navy Seal Captain Jocko Wilink, he has this way of looking at things differently. Good! Is what he’d say to just about any negative thing. He explained for every bad thing that happens there is almost always some good that comes out of it, you just need to find it. So I’ve tried to adapt that to my life and it’s 100% true. Hurt my knee and need surgery, good. Gives me time to rest up my back and do use on upper body. When I needed shoulder surgery last year, good. Gave me time to rest my other shoulder and focus on legs. I’ve tried to apply this through my life and it helps. Could I be pissed about my k we and waste time complaining about it? Sure, but why. Do use on the good or the silver lining. Ya know where I was the day after shoulder surgery? At my gym riding the bike. Ya know where I’ll be after knee surgery? At my gym training upper body.
Lost your job? Good! Now you’re motivated to find a better one.
Girl left you? Good? You’ll find one that appreciates you for you.
Stuck at home due to the pandemic? Good! More time to spend with the fam and do some reading/cooking.
Focus on the good
Extremely positive attitude now I completely understand why and how you look so good and have an insane dedication in everything that you do its the positivity that you even spread.
I like this post im a negative Nelly so I could use some positivity for sure.
Oh trust me I have my days but what good does it do? Find the positive.
It does me no good it literally eats me alive. I don’t enjoy talking about my short comings but its a major one for me.
I know you’ll be ok brother.

You’ve already survived 100% of the adversities life has thrown at you.
Honestly its great advice I never did it before I got clean but It was one of the original things I started to do to have some actual responsibility and it has just stuck with me.
Search YouTube. Make your bed speech by a Navy Seal Admiral McRaven. Is a good one and one I always have remembered.
You’ll understand the saying a lot more when ya do. And why.
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